I'll make it if you'll make it

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So after I finished writing this, I was all like, how am I going to write chapters 24 and 25? Then it occurred to me that you, yes you, could help. If you would want to, you could tell me Hirogo scenes that you'd want to read in this story. Though I won't be able to write all, I'll be choosing about 3-5 snippets and put them together for the last two chapters.

Kyuri Tomago sat in her cold cell. Her frail body still as her hazel brown eyes shivered in fear. It did not occur to her that her plan would fail and leave her here. She hugged her figure tightly as memories of the past flashed between her eyes. It seemed like they were still yesterday. They were fresh in her mind that she almost thought she was there. And how badly she wished she was.

"Kyuri!" her mother would call her in a comforting tone and a warm smile, "Kyuri come on in it's getting dark."

They were Koreans in the middle of San Fransokyo, a place for Japanese and Caucasians. The thing was, they were the only Koreans and they had never thought that there was something about being different. She would laugh and play about the whole day with her friends. It went on and on for seven years. She was the queen of the house being the only grandchild of her grandparents. She was spoiled and she was grateful. She was smart and everything a family could ever ask for.

Then after seven years, she was displaced from her throne. It was GoGo's brother, Ethan, who was born. He was spoiled too, being the first boy in the family. Everybody loved Ethan and almost all focus was on the boy and not on Kyuri.

After a year, when she was getting the attention back by having straight As, another one was born.

And man was this one treated like a real princess.

She was the most spoiled of all. Leiko was born. She was called Ethel by her friends and Gongju, which translates into princess, by her family. And when she started schooling, the older two hid under her shadow. She was a school rebel but one of the smartest. She was a rule maker but never the one to abide, she was Leiko, the prodigy. She was great and everyone loved her.

All except for Kyuri. She rebelled against the family, a high school drop-out, she killed her pet hamster when she was ten.

Everything in her life was destroyed. Jealousy destroyed her and even more when Leiko graduated high school, with honors, and entered San Fransokyo for a double major in mechanical engineering and industrial design. It infuriated her on how successful she was while she was not. And from that day, she swore herself that Leiko would pay. She would pay.

But this day was one day she did not plan to happen. She did not regret destroying Leiko and her friends. She at least did some damage and that was fine. She would get revenge. Some day.

People could only do so much before they die. Just when they start enjoying it, their mission finishes and their life ends. That's life.

And for me and my family, it was short. My parents died at thirty three years old, my brother nineteen, and me fifteen. They were short years but all we could do was accept our fate and move on. That's basically all you do. Then there comes the reunion. People you didn't get to meet are the people you would see often now. Our lives were short but the missions were for not.

Our parents brought us there for the world to know and that's basically their mission. My brother invented Baymax and raised me to be, well, me. Baymax was going to do good. He was a big step and an evolution for the health and sake of mankind. And I create heroes out of nerds. Nerds who never thought they'd do more than just to be mechanical engineers or industrial engineers, chemical engineers, physicists, even just school mascots. They were someone and they had to know that they are.

And now that everything had ended down there, I could start something here.

Mom and dad walked solemnly towards me and Tadashi. They, even Tadashi, had small sad smiles on their faces.

"There something wrong?" I asked them, matching their smiles with a frown

They looked at each other and Tadashi spoke, "You know, as much as we'd like to have you here, knucklehead, you can't."

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"

"He means," mom started, "that you aren't supposed to be up here yet. You're still young, Hiro, and you still have a future to anticipate."

"But I don't want to leave." I murmured, "I wanna stay here with all of you."

"You will," Tadashi chuckled, "Someday but not now. Someone still needs you down there and at least one of us needs to go back."

"Can't you go back down there?" I asked him

He ruffled my hair, "I can't. My body's probably decomposing but yours isn't."

"But I,"

"Hiro your mission isn't to create heroes out of nerds." Tadashi cut off, "It's to make something even bigger than that. I don't know how you'll manage to top that off but you still need to. Someone's waiting and I don't want my best friend to lose her other best friend."

"GoGo's waiting for me?"

"Technically no but when I was gone, I had a replacement and that's you and since you don't have a replacement," he trailed off

"Come on." I groaned

"Aunt Cass needs you too. You can't let her lose another nephew." Tadashi pointed out

I sighed. I thought this was the end? What are you planning, author?

"We'll see you soon, Hiro, don't worry." Dad placed a hand on my shoulder

I nodded and closed my eyes and counted to three.

GoGo stared blankly at the white blanket. It was that same steady beat that bugged her for almost a week now.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Same speed, same pitch, same everything.

She looked upper to the ghostly pale face and saw the fourteen year old's expressionless face.

She frowned then her eyes traveled down to his hands. It had been a week and she was not going to take this any longer.

She glared at the boy's face. Oh how she hated him. She hate how little he spoke. She hated how little he moved. She hated how much time he spent awake. She hate that he made her feel lonely. She hated everything.

"Hiro Hamada," she started out, "wake up!" she could not stop her hands from grasping his hand, "Hiro I need to tell you something important. I," she ran her left hand through her messy black hair, "I'm sorry I figured this out too late but, I was wrong. I didn't like Tadashi."

She paused and looked at his closed eyelids, "Come on, Hiro, speak! I know that you want to know who I like now! Come on, pry the truth out of me!"

He stayed silent. He stayed still.

GoGo groaned and rolled her eyes, "Woman up! Fine I'll tell you. I just missed him. It wasn't love, I was missing him. I thought that a girl like me would need a guy who would make me smile and he will be the one whom I can endure and live with then," she stopped again then a small smile formed on her face, "then Tadashi brought you to the lab and I got to know you better then I figured that you were like Tadashi, only younger, less handsome but cuter, just a tiny bit," she laughed lightly, "alright fine, a lot more cuter. Really cute and adorable. Anyway, when I got to know you and almost lost you I thought," she breathed in deeply, "man this is harder than I thought, how could you have done this?" she laughed again, "that's when I thought that I didn't need a guy who I could live with," she smiled at Hiro, "I needed someone I couldn't live without. And that's you, Hiro Hamada."

His finger on the hand she was holding flinched then she turned her attention to it. She heard a low groan and someone calling her name and suddenly everything she hated about him faded away.

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