Pull the blackout curtains down

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"And she has won again!" the new female caller announced, "Is there someone out there who would want to defeat the invincible Yuki Ide?!"

I raised my hand, even if it was hidden behind the sea of crowds. It was time to act again.

"Can I try?" I asked, making my voice higher a pitch or two for effect

Everyone in front of me moved to the side and when they saw who was challenging, laughed.

"Are you sure that you're going to fight? Isn't it even past your bedtime?" The girl, apparently named Yuki, asked, a laugh hidden behind her words

She was slim, but had a round face, short black haired, black eyes too. She wore black leather shorts, black sandals and a purple tank top and her lips were super red.

She was like GoGo! I went here to forget her only to see someone looking like her! Great.

But GoGo didn't wear excessively short shorts, she didn't wear revealing clothes, she didn't wear that shade of lipstick. Heck, she's even prettier than the one all decorated in front of me!

I looked down at my wrist watch, "It's not bedtime yet." I shook my head

Everyone laughed while she merely rolled her eyes.

I put a decent amount of money on the tray and scavenged my pocket for a dime or two.

"Let's do this." she said and cracked her knuckles

I imitated her knuckle cracking, emitting a soft 'ow' in the progress. The caller opened the red umbrella and put it in front of us two. Me, as usual, took a very innocent peak at my opponent, eyebrows perched high for curiosity.

I placed my megabot in the circle and watched as it wobbled while walking in my control.

"You can do it." I murmured to it

She smirked and started controlling her ruby red robot, twice the size as mine. It had a small head and arms. There was a small socket at the side, possibly for charging? My megabot approached her robot and hugged it tightly. With the new upgrades Tadashi put on my bot, the formerly painted on eyes on the smiley face were now actual cameras, the screen on the controller. I looked down at my controller and saw its vulnerable head was not attached properly or it was slightly moved a centimeter high due to a former fight. The body can be split easily and the metal 'shield' was tarnished and was already rusty. It's an overused robot!

She started controlling her robot rapidly and when I looked up, a third of my megabot went flying to my forehead, smacking me and leaving a red mark in the progress. I let go of my controller and my hands flew to my forehead.

"And Yuki Ide wins again!" the caller announced

I looked around at the people who were placing their bets on who will win and the ones who were winning. I looked behind her and all I saw were normal people cheering for here. She had no goons? The caller was giving Yuki the money she had won and I looked down at my robot, separated into three.

"Wait, can I try again? It was only my first time." I shrugged and showed her a rather thick bundle of cash

Her eyes sparkled with delight. "Well then, shall we play for all or nothing?" she smirked

She just knew the bulge in my pocket was cash. I smiled and shrugged innocently.

"Okay." I nodded and pulled out all of the money

There was at least five hundred dollars in that bundle, plus the ones I lost, and the ones that I already bet. That was when she opened a sack beside her. My eyes widened as she gave the bundles upon bundles of cash.

"Oh my." I whispered

She glared at the money as if it was already hers.

"Shall we start?" I looked back at her and nodded timidly

She held onto her controller and once the game has started, I dropped off the goodie two shoes act and smirked. I extended the controller and pressed the button that would flip the face over. She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"It's game time!" I declared and put the pieces together

My robot charged towards hers and it split into three once more, attacking the head, the right arm and the socket. The one at the head pushed its way to the center, in the little space in between the head and the body and yanked it open. The one at the arm removed the arm, just as what the one at the head did and the one at the socket pressed one end into it and short circuited the whole bot. My megabot slithered out of the scene and built itself together again. I flipped the face front again, to the goofy looking one, and made it give a bow to the now silent crowd.


"Wow, did I win? That was amazing! I didn't expect that." I said, sarcasm thick in my voice I removed my hoodie, tied up all the openings, except for the head part, an put all the money I earned. "Well, that was a nice game but I should probably get going. It's my bedtime soon." I shrugged and exited the scene, but not before giving a courteous bow

Once I got out, I pulled out my phone and sent one text message to five different people.

"Prepare for tomorrow! It's going to be the day we eat ice cream until we get sick!"

"So what do you think does this message mean?" GoGo angrily stomped her foot, arms crossed over her chest

"I don't know!" Tadashi answered, both hands above his head

"Where is he?" GoGo glared at Tadashi

The front door to Hiro and Tadashi's shared room open and entered Hiro casually, as if nothing happened. He threw something to the pile of dirty clothes and stared curiously.

"Aunt Cass?" Hiro called

"Yeah?" Aunt Cass replied from the other side of the door

Hiro smirked, "Tadashi has a girl in our room!" He ran out as quickly a he could as to not get hurt by either of the two.

"Tadashi Hamada, you get down here this instance!"

"Sorry for that, GoGo." Tadashi sheepishly smiled as he held his right ear

GoGo smiled, "It's no problem. Aunt Cass will probably understand."

"So wait, about that question earlier, are we-."

"Dating? That's fine." GoGo cut him off

"No, no," Tadashi chuckled lightly, "I want you to be my girlfriend."

GoGo looked up at his eyes and saw no doubt or fear or even acting in it. It was pure and real. He really did love her after all.

She smiled and nodded, "That would be... great."

Tadashi's grin was from ear to ear. "Thank you GoGo, I mean, girlfriend."

GoGo blushed at the name. She was his girlfriend.

"Well goodnight, boyfriend." she replied

And just when he thought the night could not get any better, Tadashi sealed it with the sweetest and most passionate kiss he has ever given GoGo.

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