Are you for real this time?

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We all sat on top of a skyscraper overlooking the city and the setting sun. It had been hours and we still had no clue as to why someone would send us a horrible item for an emotional rollercoaster.

"Baymax, could you do one last scan, buddy?" I asked

Baymax's screen turned blue for a while then he announced, "One possible match has been found."

All of us perked up and stood.

"Where is it, Baymax?" He looked left then right then pointed towards at an alleyway.

"There, underground."

"Underground? But there is only a one thing held underground." Honey Lemon started

"Exactly." I cut her off and we made our way to the alley

Once we landed, we took off the suits and acted normally. Luckily, Baymax brought my bot fighting bot and we made our way to the bot fight.

"And once more, Yuki Ide takes a win!"

This was where I first met Yuki! There were, as usual, a ton of betters around.

"Is there anyone out there who would want to battle?" There's my call

"Okay," I turned around and saw all of them, "I'm gonna distract these people while you look for the suspect. But I need money to do that."

GoGo rolled her eyes and handed a fifty, same with Honey Lemon, Wasabi gave a twenty and Fred a few quarters.

"This'll do." I turned around and breathed deeply

Act innocent. Clean. Pure. Young. A child. Okay, you can do this.

I raised my left hand up, my right holding my bot tightly like a little kid afraid to lose it. I smiled warmly and called, "Me! Can I try?"

I was at the center again. Yuki looked at me with incredulous eyes.

"Here again? No I won't fight you." She said and exited the place

I shrugged, "So anyone want to fight with me?"

There sat a huge chubby man who looked like he was a sumo wrestler. He cracked his neck, which I imitated, a fake cracking sound with it. Someone pulled me at my hood and I choked at the impact.

"What gives?!" I yelled at GoGo

They were already in their suits and ready for flight.

"The suspect's out of the building. We need to move!" she replied

"Wait, the suspect isn't in here anymore? But the only person who went out was," I gasped, "It's Yuki-, I mean Kyuri! She's behind all this!"

GoGo rolled her eyes, "Come on Hiro, no time for jokes. We need to catch-."

"Your house. Now." I pointed at her and we all climbed on Baymax

"I'm telling you, GoGo, it is Kyuri." I pushed the thought to her

"But it can never be Kyuri. Kyuri's not evil, she doesn't have reasons to do that and Kyuri's an idiot." GoGo pointed out, "The smarts are on my mother's side, not my father's side."

"Alright fine, we say that Kyuri isn't smart, how sure are you that she doesn't have reasons?" I questioned

"Kyuri's a good girl. She's respectful and does what she's told to do." GoGo answered

"Are you sire that she was at least a bit spoiled?"

She stayed silent for a while.

"Well there was one thing I didn't give her." she murmured

"What might that be?" I tilted my head to the right

"Not whatwho." She poked my chest, "You."

"Me?" I pointed my face, "What about me?"

"Dude she likes you, well the you in the stories I told her that is." I raised a questioning brow, "I don't want you for her. You're better off with someone else than her." she crossed her arms

"Why do you never want me to marry a Tomago? First it's you then it's Kyuri." I frowned

"I just," she shrugged, "I don't know. You were always a little baby to me who deserved the best existing female in the world. I don't think that I, or Kyuri, is the best one out there."

"You're too protective, big sister." I smiled at her

"I am, nerd, I am." she ruffled my hair

Baymax landed in front of SFIT and we all had questioning looks shooting at each other.

"I have detected a presence that matches with the unidentified fingerprint nearby." Baymax declared

We got down and readied ourselves. It was silent in the dead of the night and pitch black. There was only one sound being produced inside the building. Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred and I proceeded to walk up the stairs silently.

"How am I supposed to walk up the stairs?!" GoGo whisper shouted

I groaned silently and walked back down and she hesitantly climbed onto my back. I held her at the thighs and she embraced my neck with her arms.

"One wrong touch and every part of your body gets sliced part by part." she threatened silently

I tried to carry her for so long but I was running out of air.

"Too... heavy." I whispered breathlessly

"Are you saying that I'm fat?" she snapped

"No." I replied harshly, "I'm saying that a fifteen year old should never be carrying a nineteen year old on his scrawny little back."

We finally reached the top of the stair mountain and she hopped off my back.

"Yeah, you're welcome." I muttered, "If my back hurts tomorrow, make sure that you have a chiropractor ready."

We walked silently through the hallways. It was just like this when GoGo and I were chasing Tadashi in the dead of the night. We halted in our steps when we heard a female speak.

"Why does that little nuisance have to discover that you're a robot?!" the girl snapped, her voice echoing past the walls

"That sounds like-."

"Kyuri, I know." GoGo cut me off

"Wait, wait, Kyuri as in Kyuri Tomago your cousin?" Honey Lemon asked, "She was the one you were fighting over earlier?"

"Yeah." we stated like it was the most obvious thing ever

"That's," Wasabi scratched his head, "no offense GoGo, but she's not exactly that smart. How can she manage to create a working robot?"

"That's why we're here. To know the answer." I pointed out

We walked silently once more towards the sound, all the while Fred humming "Fred's Angels".

I groaned silently. As long as he wasn't yelling it.

We stopped when the voice was very near. It was coming from the lab. What was she doing there? GoGo hurriedly entered the lab and we all followed.

"Kyuri, what are you doing here?" GoGo asked

It was time for answers.

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