I got me new siblings!

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I stood in front of GoGo and her bike. She was fixing the wheels, again, because she didn't feel like it was fast enough. Even if it was almost reaching the speed of seventy kilometers per hour.

"Hey GoGo?" I started

She continued on tinkering with her invention, not even close to noticing that I was there.

I gulped and tried once more, "GoGo can I borrow your screwdriver? The smallest one."

She grabbed something from her messy table and threw it over to me. And I almost didn't catch it if it weren't for Honey Lemon who caught it for me. Honey Lemon handed me the screwdriver properly.

"Here you go." she smiled

"Thanks." I beamed up at her I went back over to my workplace.

Now that Tadashi was back, I started moving my things from his place and was given my own booth, even if the others didn't know that he was here yet. Honey Lemon walked up behind me and dragged a chair to where I sat and sat on it.

"So what's up with GoGo?" she started

"I'm not much for gossip. And besides, she wouldn't like it if we were to talk about her behind her back." I responded

"We're not." she shook her head no, "I'm just asking about your opinion," she paused, "And what happened the other night? You two seemed pretty awkward around each other since."

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked "I'm pretty sure I can. And besides, GoGo already told us all about what you felt towards her. The real question here is, why didn't you tell us first?" Honey Lemon questioned

"What do you mean by that?"

"Did you know that, before you enrolled here and all of that, GoGo was really open to me. And she told me that she liked Tadashi." she answered, "And that was the first day of school."

"So what happened next?"

"They dated, once, then it didn't feel right. Ever since then, they just practically became best friends." She concluded, "That was when she started not opening to us."

"Oh so she was the girl Tadashi talked about all the time!" I exclaimed, "I didn't actually care to ask him her name back then. He always told me stories about her when I was looking up bot fights that were happening."

"You really should've paid more attention to your brother." Honey Lemon adviced, "He probably told you about the first outing we all went together. It was fun but we ended up driving towards a lake."

"How does that happen anyway?" I chuckled

Honey Lemon shrugged, "GoGo."

I sat in my booth alone, my right elbow propped up from the table and my chin put above my hand. Baymax, who was sitting at the corner silently, waddled up to me and poked my left forearm.

"Hiro, your emotional levels are low. Are you in pain?" Baymax asked

"Pain is the way the mind responds to the trouble inside the body. It's... normal, quite." I nodded sadly. "But it's fine, buddy. I'll move on."

"Move on? Shall we proceed to go somewhere?" Baymax questioned, tilting his head to the right in curiosity

"Nope, moving on is proceeding to end something. You're going to forget everything that happened, every sweet thing, then when you forget, bitterness in your heart leaves, and that's, well, that's moving on." I shrugged, "I guess, that's what I'm doing."

"The Internet tells me that moving on is letting go of love for someone to remove the agonizing grief in a human's heart." Baymax recited, "Why are you moving on?"

"It's too much of a long story." I sighed

"Sources indicate that venting out for at least ten minutes can help ease out the pain."

Then I started venting out on Baymax, almost being on the verge of tears. I finally finished when it was where she told me that she liked Tadashi. Sniffling came from beside Baymax and I looked to his right only to see Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred all wiping their eyes. Honey Lemon even removed her glasses.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I asked them

Weren't they all outside with GoGo or something?

"When they saw you telling something to Baymax and you seemed focused enough, they sat in through the whole story." I turned to my left and saw GoGo

I jumped in my seat then held the table firmly.

"GoGo, I didn't," I gulped, "I didn't see you there."

She glanced at the other three then continued on working her project.

"I shouldn't have said it to her in the first place." I muttered

"Not forgiving yourself is not a good addition in moving on." Baymax said, "Do you need a hug?"

I smiled up at him

That guy will never pass up an opportunity to hug. He wrapped his chubby arms around me.

"Thank you, Baymax." I whispered

When he finally let go of me and hesitantly walked over to GoGo the second time that day. I can do this. I won't give up this time. I gave Tadashi GoGo and it's just right that I get someone else back. It's now or never.

"Hey GoGo?" she looked at me this time and stopped chewing her gum


"Can I have her back?" I asked

"Can you have who back?"

"Can I have my sister back?"

She paused her actions and I swore I saw a tear or two for in her eyes. After what felt like eternity, she smiled a small smile.

"I thought you'd never ask." she whispered and walked over to me and wrap me in a tight embrace, "You're my brother, Hiro. I'd never want to hurt you and I will do everything that it would take to make you move on. I promise."

There's my sister back.

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