The effects of a huge bear hug

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"I detect another presence nearby."

My heart once again beat loudly. There was so much happening this night that I couldn't even register what was going on now.

GoGo went over to the pile of her rejected wheels for the bike and grabbed a very sharp one. It looked like a disc but only enlarged and it looked very,very dangerous.

She looked at me and said, "Anyone who comes near the blade gets cut. I know, I've experienced it."

"I'm coming with you." I said, grabbing whatever hard metal I could use to manage at least a cut on the intruder

"No, you stay here." she ordered as she sat on the floor and wore the shoes, with the magnetic-levitation discs, that I made for her

"But GoGo, I can do this." I forced

"Ugh. Fine." she rolled her eyes

We went out of the room sneakily. There was no sound emitted between us once more. Well except-.


"Baymax, we're fine, bud. You can stay in the lab." I said to the huge robot

He tilted his head to the right lightly and uttered, "The intruder detected is coming closer."

We halted in our steps while GoGo took two steps, more like slides, forward. There really was another person here. The steps of shoes against the floor was there. Then a silhouette of a man about the height of five foot ten stood a few meters in front of us. It seemed like his or her back was turned towards us.

GoGo raised the disc in her hand and flung it towards the intruder, which he successfully dodged. The intruder ran as soon as he saw the disc flying past him. GoGo slid down the halls as fast as she could, meanwhile I and Baymax tried to catch up.

We went running for about five minutes then the intruder flung a small circular object towards us, making us stop in our tracks. It was obviously headed for GoGo so I pushed her to the side, a split second too late. The intruder threw a small ball to the ground and it exploded into pink smoke, covering where he was. Once the smoke dissipated, he was nowhere in sight.

Both of us panted heavily at what just happened and I helped GoGo stand up but she refused my offer and stood up herself.

"Who was that?" I murmured to no one in particular

"Whoever that was, he's going to pay." GoGo gritted her teeth

I looked at her face and saw blood seeping out from the wound on her left cheek that was created by the small circular object thrown at her.

"GoGo, your cheek, it's-."

"I know." she cut off

Baymax turned towards GoGo, "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Barely a one." GoGo muttered and we all went back to the lab to fix the wound

About two in the morning, we went to a 24/7 diner near the university. We sat across each other, Baymax next to me. We had long patched up the wound on her face, the white cloth stained with red blood underneath.

GoGo decided that it was break time and time to think about who had the nerve to break in in San Fransokyo Intitute.

"It couldn't have been Callaghan, right?" I asked her

She furrowed her brows, "It couldn't. We made sure that he won't do anything like that again, remember?"

I shook my head, "This is just so unreal. Is it, perhaps, Abigail this time?"

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