It was better when...

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GoGo ran towards Tadashi and hugged him tightly. I knew that she liked him, she told me directly, but I couldn't help but think that she's just missing him.

"Tadashi, I, you're alive!" she beamed at me, "He's alive Hiro!"

"Alright so I'm officially not crazy since you're seeing him too." I stated

"Eh, you're crazy, knucklehead." Tadashi shrugged GoGo released him from the hug.

"I could say the same thing." I responded, "Seeing as you dragged me and scratched my back."

"What happened to your back, anyway?" GoGo asked

"You know my brother,"

"Tadashi, you're alive!" I yelled

"Yes, now, shh. Someone might hear you!" Tadashi whispered harshly

"Why? Don't you want Aunt Cass to know?" I questioned

"I want to but I'm worried she'll faint." he murmured

"Wait, how sure am I that I'm not just dreaming? And that you're just a figure of my dreams?" I titled my head to the right

"Oh you aren't sleeping, that's for sure." he stated

"Yeah I'm crazy." I uttered monotonously, "Aunt Cass!"

I made a run for the door but he grabbed me by my shirt.

"No! Get away you ghost!"

I tried and tried to run away from him, only for him to grab more of my shirt and savagely pierce his fingers through my back.

"Tadashi! You're scratching my back!" I yelled at him, "Stop it!"

"Not unless you believe that I'm real!" he responded

I stopped my struggling, "Fine, fine, fine."

He let go of my shirt and we stared at each other for a few minutes.

"Aunt Cass!" I hurriedly ran and made my way to the kitchen.

"So you're not gay or something?" GoGo asked

"No and I did not hook up with anybody, understand?" I answered

She just merely nodded.

"Wait, wait, wait. What's this hooking up all about? Hiro, didn't I tell you specifically not to do that?" Tadashi glared at me

"Hey I didn't start it! Honey Lemon and Fred did!" I retorded

"Uh-huh." Tadashi murmured, "And aren't you supposed to be watching over him? You know that you're the only responsible one." he pointed at GoGo

"Hey, leave me out of this! I'm not Hiro's babysitter." she eyed me, "But he seriously needs one though. Goes to the club at night and hides in my house when he's trying to get away from the girls."

Tadashi's eyes went wide as plates, "Hiro Hamada! You are so in trouble!"

"Noooooooooooo!" I whined as Tadashi held onto my ear tightly

"I told you, specifically, not to do those things! Not!" He angrily said

"Ow! Don't do that! Don't-. Ow!"

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked

"Zero. And I'm satisfied with my care." I recited When he finally let go of my ear, I rubbed my now sore ear and cupped my hands to both of them.

"And I told you that I did not! Why is that so hard to believe?!" I responded to him, "Is GoGo easier to believe than me?"

"No. Of course not." I raised an eye brow, "Okay maybe a little bit. But why would she tell me that if it weren't true?"

I sighed and laid down on my bed, flat on my stomach.

"I don't think she wants to see me." I murmured against the pillow

"Why wouldn't she want to see you? For all I know, you two were together in the lab, at night, and you were the only people." Tadashi stated, sitting down on my bed

I sighed, "Tadashi, I like GoGo." I simply stated, "I like her and, and I told her that. I actually told her that."

"So what? She's not done making up her mind?" Tadashi questioned

"Oh she is. But," I faced him, "But she doesn't like me."

"Why wouldn't she? I mean, you're pretty much cooler and better than half of the guys in campus."

"She doesn't like me because she likes someone else." I shook my head, "And Tadashi? It's you. You're the guy she likes."

"That's impossible." he murmured

I sat down in front of my brother, "No please, Tadashi. Change your mind. Like her back. Please." I looked down at my hands, "I know what it feels like to be rejected and I don't want her to feel that too. So please, I'm begging you. At least try to like her back. If it's you, I'm certain that she'll be in great care."

"Hiro, I, um, I promise that I won't reject her. But I can't just have a sudden change of heart." Tadashi shook his head no

"You can! Please." I looked up at him, "Fine. If you don't want to do it for her, then do it for me."

"But Hiro, won't that just break you even more? I mean, it's your brother who is your crush's boyfriend. That's, that's wrong!"

I buried my face to my pillow. "Ow."

"I heard the sound of distress. What seems to be the problem?" Baymax asked

"Don't scan me now. Please." I answered, "Let's just get you in your suit and we'll go flying to who knows where for who knows how long."

"Wait!" I turned to Tadashi, "You really do love her."

"Too much." I frowned

"Alright. I'll do it."

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