Wrap me in your arms

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It was starting to get colder. Different from the radiating warmth I had experienced in the past few days. Why was it so cold here? Is the AC supposed to reach that temperature? And what was that annoying sound? Is that my alarm clock? But when did I even get a new alarm clock? Wait, wrong question, when have I ever gotten an alarm clock? Ugh. Why doesn't it stop?!

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Shut up alarm clock!

Beep... Beep... Beep...

It's not stopping!

I suddenly felt like I dropped from a fifty meter height. I felt my finger on my left hand flinch very lightly and the alarm's beeping increased.

I felt a weight on my hand. What was that? I tried to open my heavy eyelids with great force. Everything was blurry at the start but I could make out a figure at my left. It was mostly made out of black. Are you the grim reaper? The sight was cleared little by little and I could see GoGo's shocked expression while he was still looking at my hand.

"GoGo?" I whispered

She looked up and her mouth opened, "Hiro you're awake!" she grinned, "H-How are you feeling?"

"A bit tired." I replied weakly

She stood up from her seat and went over to the table, poured a glass of water and gave it to me.

"It'll help." she stated

I nodded weakly and started drinking. I felt my coarse throat clear up as she walked over to the deflated Baymax at the other side of the room.

"Ow." she murmured

Baymax was filled with air in a few seconds.

"Hello, I am Baymax. I heard the sound of distress, what seems to be the problem?" Baymax asked

"Baymax, please contact Hiro's family and friends." GoGo ordered

"Now contacting, family and friends." And the faces of aunt Cass, Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred appeared on Baymax's belly

She turned back to me with this unreadable expression.

"I thought you were dead." she stated weakly, "I thought you left me too!"

I struggled to sit down but nonetheless did. I patted the space on the bed and she sat down.

"Could you tell me what happened?"

"Well you headed over to the café and hit your head on the register. You had a concussion and fell asleep." she murmured, "Then you were in a coma for one week and I'm pretty sure our homeworks by now are mountains."

"Don't tell me haven't been going to school."

She looked at her watch, "Let's just say aunt Cass will be mad at me when she sees me here."

I sighed. GoGo shouldn't skip school because of me. No one ever should.

"GoGo," I started

"If Tadashi was in your place, I'd do the same. If Honey Lemon was in your place I'd do the same. If Wasabi or Fred was in your place I'd do the same. Don't you dare lecture me on how I shouldn't do this to you." she cut me off

"Okay." I shut my mouth

There was something different about GoGo since the last time I saw her. She looked more tired, even more tired than the time she pulled a three-night all-nighter streak. More troubled than when she was cramming for the finals, finishing a robotics project and being partnered with Wasabi in a chemistry project.

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