Bot fighting!

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The day of Hiro's birthday finally came. It was Saturday evening when they all gathered up in Lucky Cat Café. They all greeted and sung several happy birthdays to Hiro, to which he was entirely grateful of.

"Wow, I never thought this birthday would be better than last year." he laughed, "Thanks you guys."

His eyes landed to GoGo who had a satisfied smile on her face. As much as he had hated to admit it, but GoGo seemed happy when she was with Tadashi. And that made him happy. Seeing the girl with happy was enough for Hiro. It was everything.

Not everything! Hiro thought

Okay maybe not everything but you ge the point, Hiro.

The adults looked at each other for a while, making Hiro think of what they were thinking.

"Hiro," Tadashi started


"There's more to this birthday." Honey Lemon continued

"There's more?" Hiro's eyes twinkled with excitement

"Yep. And we have to go there in like," Fred started then looked at his watch, "now! We need to go there right now!"

The adults hurriedly cleaned up the mess, plates, torn gift wrappers, and everything else. GoGo grabbed Hiro by the hood of his jacket and dragged him to the small car. Tadashi quickly went and got Baymax from his deactivated mode. All of them got in the car and GoGo sat in the driver's seat.

"No! Don't let GoGo drive!" Hiro yelled

GoGo rolled her eyes and ignited the engine. Hiro held onto his brother's arms for his life.

"Oh please. I can't die now! I just turned fifteen!" Hiro muttered

Tadashi chuckled a bit and wrapped a protective arm around Hiro. The young boy looked up at his brother and buried his head to his chest. It made him feel protected once more. Having Tadashi beside him, comforting him, it made Hiro whole again.

After ten agonizing minutes, the car ride finally stopped. They all entered the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and went to what Hiro proclaimed as 'the biggest mess hall in the whole wide galaxy'.

"What are we doing here?" Hiro asked

Blinding light lit up the whole room. There were crowd cheers in every corner. People gathered up, some holding robots, some with huge robots beside them. There was a smll circle in the middle of the room.

"Welcome to the first ever, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology bot fight!" someone announced

The cheering got louder.

"Bot fight?! Are you serious?" Hiro looked at his friends, beaming the largest smile

"Yes, all for the birthday boy." Tadashi responded

"This really is the best birthday ever!" he yelled

GoGo tossed him his old robot he used at his previous obsession, bot fighting. Hiro caught it and smiled at it in amazement. Wasabi gave Hiro a wrapped box.

"The last gift." He said

He hurriedly tore through the wrapping and saw his controller, obviously for the robot. He ran excitedly to the ring and sat, waiting for his first opponent.

Hours and hours passed. It seemed as if this night never had an ending. It was fun, going back to where you were used to. At about eleven at night, there were not as much people and there were about ten competitors left. In just a quarter of an hour, all was done. And I thought I didn't have I in me anymore. But I won! I won all the battles!

"Tadashi!" I yelled and ran to the lab

I froze in my steps as I saw him and GoGo. No. It's impossible! I forgot about her already. My heart pumped loudly, a deafening silence taking over as I watched the scene unfold. Tears threatened to break from my eyes and my heart itself was beating too loudly to rip it in shreds. As if it hadn't happened yet. My knees buckled and my breathing hitched. I was lucky enough to have Baymax see me, scan me and bring me away from the scene.

"Baymax." I said breathlessly, tears brimming

Honey Lemon caught up to me and saw me. I was a sobbing wreck. It was because of her again!

"What happened?" Honey Lemon kneeled to my height

I looked back and cried harder. Baymax replayed the scenario that both he and I had seen. Honey Lemon gasped and hugged me tightly.

"It's going to be fine, Hiro." She whispered, rubbing my back

"But G-GoGo and Tadas-Tadashi." I murmured

"Yes they kissed, but if you let your emotions get the best of you again, would it be good?" She asked me, looking directly at my eyes

I shook my head weakly. I can do this. I can move on.

I can, right?

Oh dear. Help! Help me! I'm in love with the person who's supposed to be like a sister to me! Help me!

"Scanning complete. Diagnosis, puberty."


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