GoGo, y u do dis?

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"Hiro? Hiro?" there was a female's voice, "Hiro?" there it is again! "Hiro wake up!"

Wake up? Why is she telling me to wake up? Am I waking up from a comatose or something? Perhaps I just finished saving Callaghan's daughter? Wait, wait, wait! Have I even finished recreating Baymax after being destroyed? What's happening?!

"Calm down, GoGo," there was another girl's voice in the room, "He's just tired. We told you that like a hundred times already, remember?"

"Yeah, and you don't know, maybe he just doesn't want to wake up and talk." there was a man's voice this time

How many people are in this room exactly? It feels like there's a hundred in here. There's me, one, the girl that keeps on shouting, two, the calm girl, three, the man reasoning out, four.

"Baymax, scan." Okay there's another one, five

"Scanning, complete. Diagnosis, Hiro is currently in the REM sleep and will be awake soon." Well, counting Baymax, there's six peop-.

"Baymax?!" I quickly shot up, sitting down on the floor, feeling dazed by the sudden movement

I looked at the other five people, yes, the same people. There's Baymax, Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, and GoGo. Yep, all complete in attendance.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, rubbing the sand out of my eyes

"Well I called Baymax as soon as I opened the door and saw that you fainted!" GoGo answered then punched my left arm

I winced at the contact and rubbed my now sore arm. Thank youvery much, GoGo.

"Gee, thank you for your 'good morning greeting'." I deadpanned

She glared at me, blew a bubble and popped it, "You're welcome, Nerd." she stood up and walked back to her table, to work on her project, "And I'm still not done with you for that pushing me down incident!"

"Uh yeah," Fred started, looking as equally confused as the others, "What did you do?"

"I panicked and pushed her down." I responded with my face in my hands

"I told you to use protection." Honey Lemon muttered during the silent time between us three boys

All three of us looked at her with incredulous stares.

"What are you talking about?" Wasabi asked

GoGo suddenly peeked in the booth we were all in.

"Oh, and Hiro," we looked at her, all waiting for her to finish talking, "your fly is down."

I rapidly stared down at my pant zipper and zipped it up as fast as humanly possible.

"GoGo! There's a girl in here!" I blushed and yelled after her, "And you could've zipped it up when you first saw me."

"Am I not a girl? I was stuck with you the whole time too, you know." She shrugged, "And why? Your own brother didn't tell you that until after all of the things happened, so what makes me more responsible to that?"

"You're just embarassing me right now." I stated in a sing-song voice

"Your temperature is rising again." Baymax declared, "Scanning, complete."

"Wow, Baymax's scanning is getting faster and faster." I admitted, "Let's just get this over with, diagnosis please, buddy."

"Your testosterone levels are reaching a high amount, your heart beat has decreased but your emotional levels are still on the same amount." Baymax announced, "Diagnosis,"

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