Chapter 21.5: Way up there

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Because the teachers were lazy today and I went to school at 8:30 and got home at 12 nn, and I'm bored and itching to give you an update, I'm giving you a chapter 21.5! This is the first time I ever did this but I love you all, so a short chapter for all of you to prepare you for the ending of plot b in the next chapter.~ Ooh, guys, there's this girl from my former highschool and she's joining a singing contest, could you give it a vote? You could use your facebook accounts for it. Thank you! The link's on the "external link" part of this chapter, there at the right side.

"You what?" Mom asked, chuckling a bit

"It was short lived but I did. I built a robot that took care of Hiro, hopefully." Tadashi beamed at his parents proudly

"Yeah, his first kiss is from a robot." I inputted, a smirk on my face

Tadashi's eyes went wide and tackled me to the ground, "Why did you watch the videos?!"

I laughed loudly, "Aunt Cass and I watch those videos all the time."

He smiled, "So how's aunt Cass now?"

"Well she's probably stress eating again because I'm not there and the last time i saw her was," I paused, "was when she was kidnapped. Tadashi we need to do something! GoGo went at the cafe and her crazy cousin was trying to get Baymax and kill us and aunt Cass is kidnapped!"

"Okay." His face turned serious, "We're going down there and help them."

I nodded and we proceeded to go back down.

I walked towards Lucky Cat Cafe and I could hear the shouts of pain.

"Aunt Cass run now." I heard GoGo yell

I ran to the cafe and went through the door, Tadashi trailing after me. She was there, holding the katana's blade between her palms. I bit my lip and pressed the emergency button Tadashi and I put under the counter that will automatically call the police.

"Tadashi, do something!" I yelled at him

He looked around and saw the unclean pots on the sink. He focused hard and pushed the pots, successfully making it fall down and create a ruckus. I grinned and looked at GoGo who was resting her body against the wall. Kyuri threw the knife and before I knew it, I had tackled GoGo to the floor and she avoided the knife. She was falling asleep and was very weak. I stood in front of her and looked at Tadashi, who had tackled Kyuri and the girl was very horrified and curious. I smirked and crossed my arms. That's what you get when you mess with the best friend of the Hamada brothers. He walked towards me and we fist bumped. I looked at GoGo, walked towards her and kneeled down. This was something extraordinary, perhaps this was the last time I'd see her. She's still the most beautiful girl that I've ever laid my eyes on and I will never regret it till eternity.

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