And I thought everything was fine

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"Kyuri, what are you doing here?" GoGo asked, putting down her discs

"I am not Kyuri! I'm Yuki Ide!" she yelled

"Talk about weirdo." Fred muttered

"This isn't the right time for this, Fred." I heard Wasabi reply

"Alright, fine, Yuki Ide." I started, taking a cautious step towards her, "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" she questioned, "What do I want?! Oh I'll tell you what I want! I want her," she pointed at GoGo, "to go down. She's basically the queen bee of the house and it's time to stop her reign!"

"What are you talking about?!" GoGo asked, spitting out her gum and placing it on the nearest wall

"I'm talking about the attention! Ever since you started school here, you've been the star. Meanwhile I suffered from all the things they said to me." Yuki answered

"I'm not a star, Kyu-. Yuki! I have never been the star and I will never be!"

"Shut up!" Yuki yelled and threw the nearest heavy object, which was the test tube rack

Honey Lemon fixed up a chem ball really quickly and threw it to the ground, covering all of us with a bubble dome.

"Do we have a plan or do we just wing it?" Wasabi asked

"Why is she all so crazy? I didn't see her like that before!" Honey Lemon piped up

"Guys, plan." Wasabi inputted

"I don't know." GoGo murmured

"She is currently feeling anger, resentment, inadequency, helplessness and disgust. According to my database, she is feeling jealousy. There is no known medicinal cure for jealousy." Baymax stated

"Guys, plan!" Wasabi snapped

We all stayed silent and turned to him.

"Alright, here's the plan, we figure out how and what way Yuki might be j"


"What was that?" Fred asked

GoGo cut the dome around us with her mag-lev discs and we exited the bubble. We looked around and there was no sign of either Tadashi bot or Yuki.

"Where are they now?" Fred grumbled

Us, the other four, turned to Baymax to which he scanned the area in reply.

"Yuki Ide, height: five foot nine, weight: sixty kilograms, blood type: positive B, current location: Lucky Cat Café." Baymax declared

"Lucky Cat Café?!" I jumped on Baymax's back, "Baymax let's go! Now!"

"Hiro, wait!" Honey Lemon yelled as Baymax and I flew out the window


 "Aunt Cass!" I yeled as I entered the dimly lit house, "Aunt Cass!"

"Shut up." I heard Tadashi's voice behind me

The robot had a tight grasp on my arms and I couldn't do more than to struggle.

"Aunt Cass where are you?" Yuki mocked

I gritted my teeth, "Show yourself Yuki!"

She walked to the very little light the moon had to offer and I saw Aunt Cass with a knife to her throat.

"Step away from her!"

"You wish." Yuki scoffed, "Now you can give me something that will really win me cash in bot fighting."

I faked a laugh, "My megabot doesn't work on its own. You need to have an innocent face, not a crazy attitude."

"But I'm not talking about your petty megabot." she stated, her eyes half-lidded as she gazed at the robot outside

"No, you will never have Baymax! I'd have to die before you do." I scowled

"Hiro don't say that." Aunt Cass muttered, worry reflected in her eyes

"Yeah Hiro, don't you say that." Yuki repeated, "It's too bad actually, if you'd been a good boy and didn't like my cousin, we wouldn't even be in this situation. But I guess not you stubborn nerd."

"Hey, only I get to call him 'nerd'!"

We all turned and saw GoGo at the door

"Finally!" Yuki groaned, "What took to so long, cous? I thought you were 'GoGo' Tomago."

"Stop this now or you will regret that you've even been born." GoGo roared

"Alright, you win." Yuki deadpanned

The Tadashi robot threw me to the counter, my back hitting the marble counter and my head hitting the register. I groaned in pain and I heard GoGo sliding towards me. She held me at my cheeks but all I could see were blurs and sudden light flashes and doubled GoGos.

"Too dizzy." I murmured

"Hiro, don't sleep."

I swore she was staring straight at my eyes, but I could be wrong.

"Hiro your pupils are dilated. Don't sleep! You're concussed." She slapped my cheeks lightly

"'M shleepy." I muttered, "Go you there?"

"Hiro, no!"

I fought to keep my eyelids up as long as possible but sleep found its way to my brain and my eyelids shut closed. And everything was dark.


Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Fred came just after Hiro was thrown to the counter. They saw GoGo with her eyes closed, clutching Hiro tightly in her arms. Yuki walked menacingly towards GoGo, a knife in her hand.

Yuki held up the knife and Honey Lemon yelled, "GoGo look out!"

GoGo turned around and carried Hiro's limp body and dashed towards the other four.

"She wants Baymax." she said as she handed the boy to Honey Lemon's arms, "You get Hiro to the nearest hospital and hide Baymax. Hiro's got a concussion and he fell asleep just after."

"What about you?" GoGo's eyes dimmed

"I have a family problem to settle." she murmured and slammed the front door shut

"You're too much of a hero, cous." she paused, "Why? Why does this family mean so much to you while I don't mean as much?"

"You're crazy." GoGo muttered, "You're officially crazy."

"Am not! I'm smart. How do you think would I manage to create a fully functional robot?" she laughed, "For all I know, you are the crazy one. Still going to SFIT after proving that your professor is a murderer-."

"Professor Callaghan isn't a murderer. The only murderer around here is you!" GoGo spat

"Oh really? Need I remind you of the time when Hiro practically turned Baymax into a weapon of mass destruction?" Yuki retorted, "Or the time when Honey Lemon almost set the front door of your lab on fire and almost killed you all? Or when Wasabi leaves his lasers open and invisible to the naked eye? GoGo, you're all at fault. Don't try to make yourself look like a saint!"

"Shut up, Kyuri!"

"It's Yuki!" Yuki yelled then charged towards GoGo, a knife in her left hand and a katana in the other

GoGo dodged the first slice sent by Yuki and used her disc on her left arm as protection from the second blow. The mechanical engineering student sliced through her cousin's left arm, causing the other to flinch and drop the knife in pain

"Look, Yuki, I don't want this to get any worse. Just stop and I'll forget this ever happened." GoGo looked at her cousin with pleading eyes

"No!" Yuki answered, "It's either you die, or I die."

GoGo sighed. She never wanted to do this but if the situation calls for it, she had no choice but to oblige.

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