We go where no one goes

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Villain revelation in the next chapter! Have you seen the drawing made by IamYlen (one of the ff dot net readers of this story) ? Here's her Instagram account if you haven't. Iiamnel now go on, read on and go to her Instagram account after~

And do you know what "#867 in Romance" mean? It's showing up for this story, just under the description in my profile.

Why did it seem like it was just yesterday that it was all so normal? It was as if it was yesterday that I was in the comforts of my own home, wrapped in a blanket in the cold February air. That was better. It was better when I had everything in the world. I was on top of the world! No one stopped me! I was immortal! Back then, I go where no one goes. Baymax and I. We go where no one goes. Then weeks later, my life started spiralling down. Was it even my fault that all of these things started? One by one I lost it. Now I was in a life threatening situation and all I could do was to convince someone that we should start moving.

"GoGo make up your mind now and we'll go." I stated, "We don't have much time left."

"But, but I-." she turned to Tadashi once more, "What happened to Tadashi? What did you do to Tadashi?!"

"I didn't do anything!" I held my hands up, "It was him and some, some mastermind out to get us."

When I turned to my right, Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred were all geared up for a fight and while we haven't noticed, everyone else in the room was gone.

"Come on, GoGo!" Honey Lemon voiced out, "Are you with us or not?"

"I can't hurt Tadashi!"

"Well neither can I, GoGo. We were dating just before he died so you think this'll be easy for me?" Honey Lemon admitted, "I was hurt when you two were together but now is not the time for that. We have to destroy that robot and whoever psychopath made it."

GoGo furrowed her brows, as if battling with her self. She turned to the drawer in her booth for a while then ran, putting on her suit as quickly as she could. The Tadashi robot jumped out of the window and fell three stories down. We all jumped after it, well I was being carried by GoGo. The robot was running fast. Too fast. I pulled out GoGo's portable bike, the one which she actually said that I had no permission to do, and laid it on the ground and started pedalling.

"Didn't I tell you not to make my bicycle portable?" she asked loudly

"Yes but do I ever listen? No." I answered back

The robot jumped up an awfully high building and we all stopped in our tracks and just merely looked up as the robot ran.

"Where's Baymax when you need him?" Fred grumbled

We all turned to him to see him with his arms crossed.

"Fred, jump!" We yelled simultaneously

He looked like he just came to realization that he could, in fact, jump up that high and catch the robot but when he jumped, he just went back down.

"It's not there anymore." He shrugged

GoGo sighed and removed her helmet, "What is going on?" she then turned to me and gritted her teeth, "Hiro, what is going on?!"

"Hey leave Hiro out of this." Honey Lemon pulled me to her side, "He's not the reason why there's a robot Tadashi who had been pretending to be the real Tadashi."

"I'm not done with him yet." GoGo said agitatedly and pulled me back from Honey Lemon, "Where is the real Tadashi?!"

Honey Lemon pulled me back but GoGo had a tight grasp of me this time. I struggled out of both grasps and shrugged their hands off.

"Unbelievable!" I raised my hands in the air, "There's some crazy robot engineer out there who had been spying on us for the last few months and all you fight about is me. You two are unbelievable."

I turned around, removed my hoodie and turned it inside out and laid it flat on the ground. I searched for the chip that Tadashi had put in it. I knew after Baymax told me.

"Ugh, where is it?" I muttered then saw a shiny and small metal piece just under the hood

I stood up and stepped on the chip and looked up at the skies. In a few seconds, Baymax was landing in front of us.

I climbed onto his back, "Wings." His wings popped out from the sides of his suit, "Thrusters. We're gonna go scan San Fransokyo again, buddy."

"Wait, Hiro," Honey Lemon called

I looked over at them then turned my gaze specifically on Honey Lemon.

"Hiro we're coming with you." She quickly climbed on Baymax's left shoulder and Wasabi and Fred took their respective places and held onto Baymax's hands

I looked at GoGo who was just staring at us.

"You coming or not?" She bit her lip

"I'm," she shook her head, and ran a hand though her hair, "I can't do this Hiro."

"I'm sure you can." I nodded at her and jumped down Baymax's back, "You said that you'll always be here for me when I need help, and that goes for me too. If there's something bothering you, you could tell me. I'm your little brother." I sighed and closed my eyes, "I know that I'm not much of a great little bro for you, all of you actually, but I'll be here when you need help and now is the time that you need to. We can never be complete without you, GoGo. We're a family and," I paused, "and we're not going to leave you behind. I'll be with you, I promise."

She smiled warmly at me, "You were there at my weakest point, I think it's just right that I am at yours." I added

She nodded and wore her helmet, "What are we all doing here then? Let's go!"

"Can I at least switch seats with GoGo?" Wasabi piped up

I laughed a little.

GoGo raised a brow, "Woman up, Wasabi! Let's get going then?" She asked me

I nodded and we boarded on Baymax's back. Honey Lemon handed me the same disc as the one I threw earlier and I let Baymax scan it.

"Hey Baymax, could you scan this and find the matches?" I asked

"Scanning complete. There are six unique fingerprints on the disc." Six? Who are the other two? "Fred, GoGo, Hiro, Tadashi, Honey Lemon, and an unidentified fingerprint."

"Great, let's go look for the unidentified one." I told Baymax and we went to the highest peak of San Fransokyo

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