#9 How They Act When Drunk

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Requested by: Its_deku_and_I Sorry it took so long.

Katsuki Bakugou
He's actually really needy and gets jealous easily when he's drunk. Like, he constantly wants cuddles, and kisses, and gets totally upset and pouty when you deny him. He starts to whine about how you don't give him enough attention, and if he thinks all your attention is going towards Izuku, well he's still gonna be needy, but more possessively so. "I want to cuddle." He would whine. "Not right now, I'm working on a report for work." 'But I want cuddles now. And I want you to kiss me." He would say as he lay on the bed staring at you working at the desk. "You're so beautiful." He would say. You would started blushing, or just get flustered, depending on how you are. "Shu-shut up baka!" "Then come cuddle with me." He would demand. "Why should I?" "Because you've been spending way too much time with Deku and it's pissing me off." He would growl. "Bakugou, he's my partner, we work together." You sighed. "I don't care, you don't spend enough time with me anymore. You're always going out to lunch with him, and doing missions with him. It makes me feel like you don't want me around." He said quietly. You got up and went over to the bed. "Come here." You said, scooted over and lay his head on your lap. "Is that why you went drinking tonight?" He just nodded. "Baby, you have nothing to worry about. It was suppose to be a surprise, but since you feel like this I guess I'll tell you. You've been so stressed with work lately that I decided to plan a romantic get away for us. Izuku's been helping me because I just couldn't decide where to take you." You said as you ran your fingers through his hair. "I guess I can allow that." He said sleepily, as he pulled you down to lay with him and held your waist. "Oh can you know?" You chuckled, but he was already asleep.

Todoroki Shouto
His calm and collected demeanor comes crumbling down and he's  a total cry baby. You stub your toe on the wall, you're not gonna cry but he sure is gonna cry for you. You came home from work and walked into the kitchen to see  him crying. "Shouto, why are you crying?" You asked. "I burnt it." He cried. "What? What did you burn?" You asked worriedly, afraid he burnt himself with his quirk. "The omelet, I burnt the rice omelet." He cried. You sighed in relief. "Oh baby, come here. It's okay." You would hold him, and tell him it's okay until he fell asleep. Then you'd make fun of him about it in the morning.

Midoriya Izuku
Well, he's a eccentric drunk. His normal hesitant self is gone. He's not afraid to walk around the house in just his boxers. He wants to go mountain climbing. He's not afraid to flirt with you in public all things he wouldn't usually do. "Come on Y/N, I just wanna go skydiving." "Izuku, my love, you're not going any like that." You said trying to pull him away from the door while the only thing he had on was a towel around his waist. "Damn you're so hot." He smirked. "Wha-what! Excuse me sir I think you should go to bed." Was your wonderful retort.

Kirishima Eijiro
He's a very talkative drunk. And I mean very talkative. Though he won't go as far as telling a secret, usually, but he will talk you to death. "And then he fell of the dragon. But like, the dragon was so big, and manly, and big. And had a pet cat. I also have a pet cat, his name is Snikers. Do you have a cat?" "Yes Kiri I have a cat. I live with you, and I got us Snikers for Christmas last year." You said laughing. "Hmm, I didn't know that. But did you know that if you stick your tongue in a light socket your hair will look like Bakubro's." Baby, it doesn't work like that, but how about we get you to bed before you test that theory. Do not try this at home people."

Kaminari Denki
You'd think he's a flirty drunk, right? But he's actually a pouty and easily annoyed drunk. "Kaminari baby, talk to me please. What's wrong?" "Sero won't shut up and leave me alone and you haven't been with me at all tonight except when we got here." He mumbled and you wouldn't have heard it over the music if you weren't sitting as close to him as you currently were. "Oh, I'm sorry baby. Do you want me to tell at Sero and then we'll go home." You asked. "Mmhm." He responded with a pouty face, to which you chuckled and got up.

Iida Tenya
He's a.... Surprise, rebellious drunk. Anything he wouldn't do sober he will drunk. He's not afraid to break rules, but he'll definitely regret it in the morning. "Tenya, stop. Get out of that shopping cart, give me those cigarettes and get away from the smoke alarm." (Please someone get the reference) "No Y/N, I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me." Yes I will stop you or you're gonna give yourself and me a hard time in the morning.

Neito Monoma
This shouldn't surprise anyone, but he's a jealous drunk. If you even talk to another person, male, female, non-binary, anyone, he will fight them. He doesn't care if you're just friends or what no one is having your time but him. "Y/N get over here now. You get away from them." He growled. "Neito calm down we were just discussing work plans." You sighed. "I don't care right now you can't talk to anyone but me." He said. "I'll see you later Mirio." You waved goodbye to your coworker and best friend. When you got home, straight after you unlocked and closed the door you pushed him on the wall and trapped him there. "You can't keep doing that." You growled hitting the wall by his head. "Maybe, but the way you act when you're mad about it is so hot." He said, grabbing you and flipping your positions. He then smashed his lips on yours nipping at your bottom lip hungerly and- I'll leave the rest to your imaginations.

Shinso Hitoshi
He is the most possessive drunk you will ever meet more so than Bakugou and Monoma. "Do not leave my side." He commanded, his grip on your waist tightening. "Yeah, I got it." You growled. All of a sudden Todoroki came up to you. "Hey Y/N, Shinso. How are you guys?" He asked. "We're good, how are you?" You asked. "I'm good I was just wondering if you're still up for lunch on Thursday to help me with-" All of a sudden Hitoshi's grip on you tightened even more and he spoke up. "Sorry we have somewhere to be right now. He said pulling you with him out the door. He put you in the car getting in and locking the doors but not starting it. "What the hell do you think you're doing going to lunch with him?" "There's nothing wrong with it I'm just helping him prepare for his proposal to Deku." You sighed. " I. Don't. Care." He growled pushing you up against the seat. "I think you need to be punished."

He's a angry drunk. Never with you, but with basically anyone else in the world. "What did you just say punk!?" He yelled. "I said that they're not, got a problem with it?" Said the stranger. "Yeah I do, they're mine." He growled. "Ha not for long." Said the man. That was until he was on the floor with a broken nose and probably a broken rib or two. "Dabi baby, that's enough, okay. He's down, let's just go." You said calmly grabbing his arm lightly. He looked at you and sighed, "Yeah, okay."

Tamaki Amajiki
He is a very emotional drunk. He will cry about the smallest things. Oh did he buy the wrong kind of chocolate chips at the store. Well you'll be trying to get him to stop crying for the next hour. "Baby it's okay we can still use these ones." You said running your hands through his hair soothingly. "B-but you said dark chocolate and I got milk chocolate." He cried. "Baby it's okay we can still use it. I like milk chocolate too and they're just cookies it's okay." "But-but how everyone's gonna hate me because, I got the wrong ones." He kept crying. "Baby I'm telling you it's gonna be fine. Now how about you get some sleep and I'll make the cookies, okay." Buy he was already snoring away.

(A/N: I don't think you guys understand how much writing Shinso's and Monoma's flustered me. I hope you guys like this again sorry it took so long)

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