Todoroki x Traitor reader Part 2

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You heard the bell to your store ring and looked up. "Welcome to Frostbite Books. How can I help..... you?" Your words died down as you saw the new customer. Shouto Todoroki, the man that you had betrayed and left heartbroken, twice.

It had been what, ten years since you last saw him. Not that he would actually recognize you. You had changed your appearance a lot since then. Your h/l h/c was now short (or long if it was originally short) and a light blue color. You wore turquoise contacts, and pair of black thick rimmed glasses.

Sure it took quite a long time to get over him, he was the only person you had ever cared about. At that point at least. Now you have a little somebody that has all your love. Even so you still thought about him every once in a while. Though you came to the conclusion he had probably moved on with his life so you did too. You had opened a small book store in Yokohama Japan. You were currently raising your 2 year old daughter, and you had a few really good friends. That's really all you need. You hadn't seen anyone since Todoroki and you were fine with it. You had figured dating just wasn't your thing anymore.

You cleared your throat and out down the book you were currently reading. "Hello sir, is there anything I can help you find?" Asked politely.

"What's in the section in the way back corner?" He asked. "Oh, um, comic books and manga." You said. "I see  well I've been looking for a new manga. Do you think you could show them to me?" He asked. "O-of course Sir." You cursed at yourself for stuttering.

You brought him to the back. "I personally really like this one, though it is quite underrated. Even so I think-" You were cut off as you were roughly turned around and pushed against the bookshelf.

"Ow." You mumbled. "Cut the crap. You and I both know I'm not here for the manga. Isn't that right.... Y/N?" Todoroki smirked. "How, how did you know?" You sighed.

"I've been looking for you for years. I wasn't able to find any trace of you. I mean you had changed your appearance and your name. But then you and your bookstore were on the news the other day. I wouldn't have realized it was you if you hadn't scratched the burn scar on your neck." He said, pinning you to the self.

"Look Todoroki, it's been ten years since we last saw each other. I've moved on with my life and you should too. I did a lot of horrible things when I was younger and now I'm trying to make up for them and live normally. I own a book store changed my identity and even have a daughter now. I got on with my life and you should've too. You're the number 3 hero Todoroki, so why were you still looking for me?" You sighed as you got out if his grasp, and went to the back room behind the counter to which Todoroki followed.

"You- you have a daughter?" He asked. He knew you had moved on with your life but he hadn't dated or been with anyone since you and he was kind of hoping you did the same, but apparently that wasn't the case.

"Yeah. Chloe. Her parents died in a villain attack when she was just a few months old. I remembered what it was like growing up without parents, and I thought about how I turned out when I was younger and all the horrible things I did because of it and I just didn't want her to turn out like that. So I adopted her. She's been living with me ever since."

They walked into a small room. There was a small bed there and on it was a little girl. She looked about two and had long pink hair. Her skin was pale and she had beautiful ice blue eyes. Todoroki watched as you picked up he small girl.

It was then Todoroki realized how much you really had changed over time. You use to be so loud and short tempered. You couldn't stand children and hated being around people. It was rarely quiet with you around. But now, you were so calm and levelheaded. You hadn't raised your voice once and you owned a small bookstore that was usually bustling with people. And you handled the child with such care and compassion.

He hadn't seen this side of you before and he'd be lying if we said he didn't want to see more of it. Though it felt like more of a need to see more.

You walked out of the room with your daughter in your arms and and stared closing the shop. Once you were done locking the door you turned to Todoroki. "I'm going home to make dinner. You can come if you want." You said, holding sleeping baby close to you. You walked across the street to a apartment building, Todoroki still following, and went into your apartment.

"Sorry for the mess." You said moving some toys out of the walkway with your foot. "It's fine." Todoroki said. "I'm gonna go lay her down then start dinner." You told him as you walked away.

As you did he looked around your apartment. It was normal looking, the sink in the kitchen had a few pans and plates and such in it from what he assumed was breakfast. The living walls were a maroon color with a tan carpet. There was a glass coffee table and in the corner was a bin filled with toys. There was a black leather couch and a flat screen TV. On the walls were pictures of you and Chloe, or you and people he had never met that he had assumed were your friends. None of those people looked close enough to be a significant other but they all looked close to you none the less. It honestly made Todoroki extremely jealous.

You walked back into the kitchen and asked, "Would you like anything to drink?" "Just some water please." You made him a glass then got to work on dinner.

"You know seeing you act so patently and mature is a real turn on for me." Todoroki said casually. You only rolled your eyes in response. "Did you know," He started, walking behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and whispering in your ear. "That I haven't been with anyone since you." In response you sucked in a breath. He hadn't been with anyone either? Seriously?

"And did you know," He continued whispering. "That even after all these years, I'm still in love with you." He then leaned down slightly kissing your neck, making you shiver. "To-Todoroki." You breathed.

"You really need to stop calling me that. It's either Shouto or baby not Todoroki. Stop acting like we're starngers. Even if it's been years I'm here right now and you're mine you got that?" He said kissing your neck and marking it up.

You hadn't answered so he bite down. "Do you understand. You're mine now we're a thing again as if we never broke up. Do. You. Understand." He growled. "Y-yes." You breathed. "Good." He said.

And you guys had been the most talked about thing since not to mention you rekindled most of your U.A. friendships.

(Wow that was a lot for a oneshot. Let me just say that writing that ending had me super flustered and embarrassed.)

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