#10 Your quirk

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Bakugou Katsuki
Picture burn:
This quirk allows the user to manipulate fire into different forms (shapes), and temperatures. Drawbacks are if the user uses this work to long it results in serious hand and arm burns.

Shouto Todoroki
Weather Worship: You can manipulate the weather. It's as basic as that but very useful. Drawbacks include, frostbite, heatstroke, and passing out with overuse.

Izuku Midoriya
Copycat: You can touch someone and us their work, but their's also weakens. Drawbacks include strain on whatever part of the body the person's quirk is the strongest.

Eijiro Kirishima
Organ control: This quirk allows the user to see and control a person's organs. You can stop or slow the heart, squeeze the stomach and so on. Drawbacks are severe drowsiness and mental strain.

Denk Kaminari
Darkforce: Basically you can take the light from anything. You can also cause blackouts, taking the electricity from things. Basically you're quirk is the opposite of our little Pikachu's. Drawbacks include you're own blackout.

Tenya Iida
Stopwatch: You can stop and/or slow down and speed up time and change people's perception of time. Drawbacks include migraines.

Neito Monoma
Grave Playground: This quirk allows the user to see, communicate with, and control the dead. Drawbacks include, passing out, possible possession, and migraines.

Shinso Hitoshi
Nightmare: This quirk allows the user to cause others to see their (the person the quirk is being used on) nightmares and fears. This only work if they activate the quirk and direct eye contact is made. Drawbacks include sleep deprivation and migraines if used too many times or for long periods of time. Also in some cases hallucinations.

Waterworks: With this quirk the user can control water in any form such as vapor, ice, exctera, while using water with the water in there body. Drawbacks include dehydration, and passing out.

Tamaki Amajiki
Persuasion: This quirk allows you to almost hypnotize people when you talk to them with your voice at a certain octave. Drawbacks include sore throat and on some occasions temporary voice loss.

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