#19 When they have a bad day

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Bakugou Katsuki
He's all pissy with everyone, but when schools over he goes over to your dorm to watch your favorite anime (other than bnha) and cuddle. He's never admit it but it makes him feel a lot better.

Todoroki Shouto
He puts on a front with everyone, but when it's just the two of you he he's all pouty and just wants attention and to hang out. Of course you do this for him. How could you not? His pouty face is so adorable.

Midoriya Izuku
He goes to you and cries. You have to cheer him up so you take him for boba and ramen. Then you go back to the dorms and cuddle in his room until he falls asleep.

Kirishima Eijiro
He just walked around like a lost puppy and then lays in your room waiting for you to cuddle with him. And if you don't he'll give you sad puppy dog eyes. That always works.

Denki Kaminari
He gets super quiet and won't talk to you. You then go and grab him his favorite snack, turn on his favorite show, and hug and kiss him until he feels better.

Iida Tenya
He gets even more stirct. It's usually cuz he's stressed about a bad day. You have to drag him to his bed, turn on the t.v. have some snacks, and just relax with him.

Monoma Nieto
He's even more of an ass. Then you have to yell at him and he starts to cry a bit, but tries to hide it. Then you give him a big hug, kiss him, and tell him that everything will be okay.

Shinso Hitoshi
He ignores everyone, even you. So you sneak into his dorm building, and slam the door open. You tackle him in a hug, pull him on the bed, then just rest your head on his and play with his hair reassure him everything is going to be alright, and that you're here for him.

He gets really pissy. Like break shit pissy. So you have to drag him to your guys' room and just lie there with him. You just quietly lie there and play with his hair, telling him you love him. He usually ends up falling asleep with a slight smile.

Amajiki Tamaki
He has a really bad anxiety attack and you just high him and reassure him and just help calm him down. Then you guys lie down with a movie on.

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