#15 Them Without You

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Bakugou Katsuki
Well, I mean he stopped yelling at Izuku. He also stopped talking to people all together. He wouldn't even talk to Kirishima. Not to mention the way you said his family name with such venom as if he were a stranger that you couldn't stand. It hurt him, so bad, but he new he deserved it. And Todoroki, as your brother, totally kicked his ass. "What the hell Bakugou! You were their boyfriend! You were one of the few people in this world they trusted! You know how our home life is and how they have abandonment and trust issues because of it and you still left them! How dare you!" Todoroki yelled and glared at the blonde. "I'm sorry, okay! It was a heat of the moment type of thing. I just- I didn't understand why they would take that stupid Deku's side. I was jealous and pissed and it got the best of me and I said things I didn't mean. I would never want to hurt them." He explained. "I- I love them. I could never do that to them. I didn't mean to I swear." He whispered. "That's something you need to say to them, not me." Todoroki said walking away.

Todoroki Shouto
He was really beating himself up over it. You were one of the few good things he had going for him and he ruined because of petty and trivial things that won't matter in the long run. You hadn't talked to him or even looked at him since that day and seemed to be doing just fine. You were still laughing with Mina and having a good time with the rest of your friends as if nothing happened. It really hurt him but he understood. He had really hurt you and in the end he turned out to be just like the person he despised most. He just hoped he could fix it.

Midoriya Izuku
He was so mad at himself. It was his fault. You were just looking out for him and he got pissed off at you for it. He didn't know what to do. He didn't think about what he was saying. He new you weren't like everyone else. You never were, and yet he still said those thing and drove you away. It was killing him. "Todoroki I don't know what to do. I didn't mean for it to go like this. They won't talk to me, it answer my calls or texts, they haven't shown up for school. I'm worried. Not to mention Iida won't answer me when I ask about them. I just don't know what to do anymore." Izuku said with tears in his eyes and his head in his hands. "Just give them a little bit more time. I think they need it. And as for Iida, think about it this way. If it were your sibling would you tell the person that broke their heart how they're doing and where they are?" He explained. "I guess you're right." He sighed.

Kirishima Eijiro
He weren't talking to him so he had some time to think and you were right. It was really unmanly for him to just stand there and watch while Bakugou was treating everyone horribly. He needed to man up and say something about it. He knew it wouldn't seem like a big deal to most, but he new you were bullied as a kid, so yeah just standing there and doing nothing would get to you and it angered him that he didn't notice.

Kaminari Denki
He stopped flirting, and talking to people in general. He didn't realize he was doing wrong at the time but now looking back on it, yeah, he didn't seem the most faithful flirting with other people. But he just watched as you seemed to be doing just fine. In fact you had no trouble flirting with the guys in your class and he had to say it hurt, a lot.

Iida Tenya
He was having a mental battle with himself. He didn't think he was doing anything wrong at the beginning. He was just looking out for you. He didn't want to see you hurt or in trouble or anything, but maybe he was hovering too much. Maybe he was worrying too much. Maybe he was just being over protective. He had to find a way to make it up to you. He was so sorry. He didn't mean to push you away. "I didn't mean to hurt them or make them mad." Iida sighed as he told Midoriya what happened. "Just give them a little time to cool off. I'm sure this will all pass and things will be fine." He told the bluenette. "I hope so." He sighed.

Monoma Neito
He was so pissed off with himself. He let his jealousy get in between what he had with you. Something that meant so much to him. Someone who meant so much to him. He hurt you and he could never undo that. It was going to haunt him forever. And Kendo was way less than pleased with him. He got more than a few deserved choppings to the head. "You need to fix this. How could you say something like that to them? A good healthy relationship is built on trust and you didn't trust them. You need to fix yourself before you decide to fix things with them." Kendo growled. "Yeah I know!" Monoma yelled. "Good, now hurry up and fix this." She said walking away.

Shinso Hitoshi
He couldn't believe what he said to you. He knew you weren't scared of him. He knew you didn't see him as a villain. He knew you were with him because you loved him. And yet,he still let everyone's words get to him. He lost the one person that always believed in him and it hurt. He had to figure out how to fix this. "I- I really hurt them." Shinso sighed. "Yep." Aizawa responded. "I feel horrible." "I know." "I don't know how to fix this." "Look Hitoshi, I know you feel bad about this but you need to stop whining to me and go find them and fix this. Just tell them how you feel." Aizawa told him. "Yes Sir."

He honestly didn't think he did anything wrong. He knew Shigaraki wouldn't kill you and he knew you could hold your own. He was however getting very annoyed with the fact that you'd constantly leave the hideout just to get away from him. Not to mention you making it apparent you were trying to ignore his existence. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Stop fucking ignoring me god damnit!" He yelled. "Kuro, I'm going out. I have business to attend to. And I'm taking Twice with me." "Yay. Boo." He said as you guys walked out. "Their pissing me the fuck off." Dabi growled. "Then apologize and fix it you dumby." Toga said laughing.

Amajiki Tamaki
He was miserable without. He had been a lot more depressed. Had a bunch more anxiety attacks, and just felt over all horrible. He hated being without. The thing was everyone was saying you could do better than him and believed them. He was really starting to regret it though. It was hell without you and he just wasn't himself. "I don't know what to do Mirio." Tamaki sighed. "Just talk to them. I'm sure they'll understand. I know they're not mad, just a bit confused. You can fix this though." Mirio said patting his best friends back.

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