#6 How you celebrate Vday

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Bakugou Katsuki
He hates that holiday. Like utterly despises it. He just doesn't see the point of making a specific day to show your significant other that you love them. The way he sees it, it was a just holiday that in actuality is a ploy made by marketers to get couples to buy things they didn't need to prove something that should already be perfectly clear. So when you asked if he wanted to go out for Valentines day he totally blew you off. But unbeknownst to you, he actually had the whole day planned out. When you went to his house to walk to school together (I mean you guys are neighbors), he told you before you guys went he had to pick a few things up from the store. You being you went along with it and went with him. When you guys got to the store he told you to go find the olives, you know the one thing you've told him millions of time you can never find. Of course you went on your little witch hunt. Bakugou came back, about an hour later, and told you he didn't need them anymore. Once you guys finally got to the school he told you he needed to go to the gym and had you come with. When you went in you saw red and black (he just couldn't pass that color up) decorations everywhere and a table full of food with a big sign over it that said 'Will you be my valentine'. Obviously you said yes after staring at him with your jaw touching the floor for a few minutes. You guys just sorta hung out there for the rest of the day.

Todoroki Shouto
You got a text from your boyfriend early in the morning saying something happened at school and you needed to come about three hours late. Of course, you trusting your loving boyfriend believed him. You spent your morning lounging around and watching crappy romance movies. When you finally got to school you chatted with your best friend Midoriya for a few minutes before going to class. When you walked in you saw everyone crowed around your desk with awestruck faces. You pushed through the crowed and looked at your desk only too see red and white roses arranged in an order that said 'will you be my Valentine' with a heart,also made of roses, outlining it. You obviously said yes and you gus spent after school together at the mall, and went to a ramen shop for dinner.

Midoriya Izuku
He showed up to your house with a bouquet of blue daisies, knowing you hated the fact that red, pink, and white roses were so stereotypical for this holiday. You guys went to school of course because he's such a goody two shoes, but you guys did go to the arcade after school and you totally bested him at the basketball game. Then you guys spent the weekend cuddling and watching movies.

Kirishima Eijirou
He would buy you absolutely anything you wanted no matter how much it costed. He also took you out to do your favorite things all day long.

Kaminari Denki
He'd write you a bunch of cheesey but romantic poems and even a song. He'd take you out for lunch and even to the amusement park after school.

Iida Tenya
He put school first. He was focused on class the entire day. But, the moment school was out he put you on his back, piggyback style, and rushed you to a first class sushi restaurant. After dinner he brought you to your favorite store and said he'd buy you whatever you want.

Monoma Neito
So this asshole came to school with a whole shit tone of Valentines day gifts. You thought they were for you but he laughed in your face saying "You really think I'd spend this much money on you?" You were kinda upset about that but you didn't let it keep you down. When you got to your dorm after school however, you found a bunch of merch from your favorite anime lying on your bed. That's when you noticed your boyfriend laying on your bed reading a manga. He smiled gently at you and walked up to you kissing your head and asking, "Do you really think I wouldn't spoil you today?" You had tears in your eyes and he pulled you into a hug. The rest of the night you both lay in your bed and watched you favorite anime.

Shinso Hitoshi
He'd take you to a cat cafe. You guys would play with the adorable little furballs. Then he'd take you to a book store and buy you all the books to whatever series you want.

He'd "buy" you whatever you want. He even made you food and got you a bouquet. Whoever said evil doesn't take a day off lied because you and your boyfriend were having a nice relaxing day together just watching horror movies and pigging out on food.

Amajiki Tamkai
He was a stuttering mess when you found him in the morning. His hands were full of all your favorite types of candies and flowers. He had made you lunch and once school was over he took you to your favorite game store to get some new video games then when to the movie theater with you to see whatever movie you wanted. Once you guys finished the movie he took you to your favorite store.

A/N: Hey extras. How was your Valentine's day. Did you have fun. Are you in a relationship or a single Pringle like me. So my going to do oneshots for 4 of these senerios. Bakugou is a must but you guys get to vote on the other three. Voting ends Sunday night so please make it quick. Obviously the oneshots will be out after Vday but oh well. Have a amazing day/night. Love ya extras. Later.

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