Deku x Quirkless reader P2

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Part two requested by moie344

"I just don't know what to do. It's been three weeks and they haven't answered my calls, text, comments on Instagram photos, nothing. I gave them time. I know they needed it, but I just don't know what to do anymore? Should I just give up on them, on us?" Izuku asked his friends while they sat in a small cafe.

Izuku had asked a few of his friends, those being Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima, to come so he could tell them what was going on and maybe get some help.

"I don't think you should give up on them, or your relationship. That just wouldn't be manly. Just give them a bit more time." Said Kirishima.

"I agree with Kirishima, let them make the first move." Uraraka agreed.

"I don't know. I feel like you should at least try to talk to them. In person I mean. You did say that you know where they were staying." Said Todoroki.

"I think you should do whatever you feel is right. But, if you don't mind me asking, if you didn't know what to do then why invite us to the very cafe that they work at?" Questioned Iida.

"Well, I really like the coffee here and they're not working today so I thought it'd be fine." Just as Izuku finished saying that you walked through the door.

You had on the clothes that were for work so apparently he was wrong. When you saw him sitting there staring at you and you froze, but you played it off as tripping and continued walking over to the counter.

"Thanks for letting me pick up the shift. It really helps. I told her since the baby is coming I'd help in anyway I can so making a few extra bucks will really be good for her." Yo smiled at your boss.

"It's no problem Y/N we can always use the extra help." Your boss smiled politely.

You had been working for about an hour and Izuku and everyone still hadn't left. You were just about to finish a cup of coffee when three men in black ski masks walked in with guns.

"Everyone get down on your knees and keep your hands up." The leader yelled pointing the gun around the room.

"I think I'm good thanks. I've only ever gotten on my knees for one person and it's obviously not you." You retorted.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I can kill you at any moment. Now give me the money!" He damaned as he pointed to gun to your head.

"How about no. And death doesn't scare me. It's such a controversial subject don't you think? So whether I live or die doesn't really matter to me, now isn't that just too bad for you." You said with fake sorrow at the end.

"Fine what if I do this." He said as he pointed the gun at people in the crowd.

Deku was contemplating. He didn't know if he should jump in and help yet, or just let you handle things. He went with the latter in the end.

When the robber turned the gun and his head towards the people you pulled out a gun of your own.

"Then I'll just have to shoot you, won't I? And wouldn't that just suck. You see I came prepared there have been a lot of robberies in this neighborhood lately. Now I've realized that since you all have guns you either have really weak and useless quirks or none at all, and that just makes things easier for me." You said with a smirk on your face.

"So why don't you and your friends out your fake guns away before I shoot with my real one, because yes I realized those were fake guns. The cops are on their way so come with me and don't fight back." You demanded.

"You're very perceptive, aren't you?" One if them asked with a sigh.

"Well I sure hope so. My boyfriend is a pro hero and I'm studying to be a detective so I need to be." You told them as you took a rope and tied them up while waiting for the police.

Everyone stayed silently in their spots while you just made yourself a cup of coffee and read a book, sitting in a chair with your feet on the table. You then looked up.

"You guys can go home now. We're about to close and the show's over. I have to close up shop tonight so if you'd all please leave it would make my job much easier." You told them.

Everyone did as told and left, everyone but Izuku that is. He stood in front of you but you didn't look up.

"That was incredibly stupid. Especially since I know you didn't know those guns were fake until after you started talking back." He told you.

"Well then I guess we both make incredibly stupid decisions, huh?" You said not looking up.

"Look I'm so sorry okay. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep pretending like we don't know each other and I can't keep staying away from you. At least tell me what we are at this point." He pleaded.

You looked up at him and whispered, "Come here." To which he stood closer to you and bent down. You automatically brought your lips to his and kisses him with a a firery passion which he returned.

You then pulled away and whispered, "I just needed you to understand. I needed you to realize what you did and how it felt to me. You understand now, don't you? It's hard. Especially when it's like you don't care whether you live or die."

"I know and I'm sorry." He said bringing his lips to yours again. He then pulled back and took a step back. You looked at him questioningly. That is until he got down on one knee.

"Y/N L/N, I know we've had our ups and downs. And I know we've been fighting for the past few weeks, buy it really made me realize how I can't live without you. I want you by my side always. And I want to be by yours. And I'll support you even with this detective thing you never told me about." You both laughed at that one. "So Y/N, would you do the honor of taking my hand in marriage?" He asked.

You nodded and whispered, with tears in your eyes. "Yes." Short and simple unlike this oneshot.

He brought you into a kiss and once you pulled away he sipped your eyes and said, "So what's with this detective business." To which you just laughed.

(Not edited)

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