#8 They find out you're the traitor

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Suggested by Midnight258 . Sorry it took so long I couldn't think of what to write.

Bakugou Katsuki
It was when he got kidnapped. He saw you standing next to Toga. "Y/N, they got you too?" You laughed in his face. "Do you really think I'm weak enough to where they'd catch me. Sweetie, didn't you ever wonder how the league always conveniently knew just where to find us?" "Are- are you saying." "Yes, I'm saying I'm the traitor. And it would be wise of you not to fight back." You said with a laugh, but he heard it. The slight desperation and plea in the thing that to everyone else would seem like a warnging. When he got rescued, he made sure to grab you and take you with him. Of course once you get back to the school you have a very intense converstation that includes lots of yelling, but he forgives you.

Todoroki Shoto
He felt so betrayed. He trusted you with so much and then he finds out you're with the League. And not only that, you've know where his brother, who he kept telling you he was so worried about, was this entire time. He really didn't know how to process the information. He kin of just closed himself off from everyone for a while. Then one day he heard a knock on his door. He told the person to go away, but the person only knocked harder. Reluctantly he got up off his bed and answered the door. "What the hell do you wa-" He cut himself off when he saw you standing there. You had burns and bruises all over you body. He could tell there was going to be a lot of scaring. "Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but please help me. I didn't where else to go." You pleaded. Of course he couldn't just leave you there. Not in the condition you were in. He brought you inside the room and you sat down on the floor. He grabbed a cloth and some could water and dabbed at the burns. "What happened." He ask. You sighed and said, "I wouldn't tell them everything they wanted to know. Sure I did have all the answers, but I couldn't do that to you guys." "I'm so sorry." You mumbled. He looked at the burns and some of them seemed to be not only from fire, but also ice.  You saw him staring at them and said, "I tried to retailate Dabi's fire with my ice. It totally backfired though, I over used my quirk and burnt my self. Ironic huh, I try to save myself and just made everything worse." You laughed sadly. "I forgive you." He said. "Uhh, excuse me, what?" "I said I forgive you." "Look Shoto- uh, Todoroki, sure I still love you, but dude, I didn't come here looking for forgiveness. I only came here to hide and get my wounds looked at while I try and figure out what I'm gonna do. Honestly I'll probably be gone before you wake up in the morning. So you have nothing to forgive." You said with a sigh. "So what you're just gonna leave in the morning and I'll never see you agin?" He asked, his voice raising. "That's the plan." You said. "Well sorry I'm not going along with it." "I didn't ask." You said as he bangaged up your burns. "You can't just come to me and leave. Not again." He pleaded. "Then as far as you should be concerned, I was never here." And with that you walked out the door. Todoroki wouldn't see you again for a few years.

Midoriya Izuku
Honeslty he had expected it for a while now. He still went into the relationship knowing. Of course he tried to change your mind, and it worked, after a long, long time. And a few months in a cell.

Kirishima Eijiro
Well, he knew from the begining. I mean you weren't the only traior here. Let's just say our cheery friend has a.... darkside, and leave it at that.

Kaminari Denki
He also knew from the begining, but only because you tried to mug and kill him. But this weirdo found it, and you, hot and ,very bravely one might say, asked for your number. You though he was kinda hot, and thought his asking was stupidly hot, so you gave it to him and you guys started talking. Then you went to U.A. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone who you were and you guys just got into a realationships at some point.

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