Iida x Fem!Troublemaker!Reader: Positive influence

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Requested by RavenRebel24

Y/n was struggling. She wanted to be a better person. She didn't particularly want to be a troublemaker anymore. Then again, she really didn't wanna be a good girl either. It was just so boring. Yet her father Aizawa had other plans.

It was either working on her additued going to reform school in the U.S.

And so here she was, sitting in class 1A, trying not to set off one of the firecrackers in her backpack or jump out of the window out of boredom. Granite the latter would result in instant death, however taking over the thrown in hell was without a doubt going to be more fun than sitting through another one of Midnoght's literature lectures.

She finally said screw it.

"Hey Bakugou. Why the fuck does your hair look like a damn expoled pinapple." She said with a smirk, knwoing what was going to happen.

"The fuck did you just say extra!" Bakugou yelled, explostions being set off. 'Perfect' thought the h/c haired girl. She then got the pack of firecrackers out of her bag and through them into his explostions, causing the entire room to blow up. This made the girl smirk. That was until she was forced to clean it up, along with the class rep, who volunteered.

It was silent, technically. Except for the fact that you could hear Float by Call Me Karizma blaring through Y/n's headphones as she ignored the blue haired boy.

He then tapped her on the shoulder, making her glare at him.

"The fuck do you want?" She said with a glare, taking her headphones off.

"I'd just like to what the point in all this was?" He asked curiously.

"Let's call it a violent rebellion." She smirked.

"And why would you rebel, and whom against?" He questioned.

"My father, and because I was forced to go to this damned school, when I just wanted to go to a regular high school. Just beacuse I'm the daughter of a hero and teacher doesn't mean I want anything to do with that world. I'd rather just live like a normal, quirkless person." She sighed.

"But you're not quirkless." Iida.

"Well thank you Captain Obvisous." She said sarcastically.

"Well what if I help you talk to your father." He offered.

"And why would you do that?" The e/c eyed girl asked with suspicion.

"Because it's the right thing to do." The bluenette stated.



When Iida finally did explain things to Aizawa things went smoothly, and she was moved to a normal high school.

She then showed up at UA during lunch and ran up to Iida, pulling him into a tight hig, causing him to blush.

"Thank you so much Iida." She smiled.

"You're welcome Y/n." He smiled witha red face.

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