#17 They cheat on you

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Attention Please Reader:

Before we start this scenerio I'd just like to point out that I do not condone cheating. It is disgusting, and horrible, and unforgivable. It is not something that should be taken lightly. It is not something that should be forgiven. And finally it is not something that should be showed in a positive light. 

Don't get me wrong I love a story where the MC who has a back story of being cheated on and becomes a better her, but does it not to prove something to other, but to show herself how great she is. However I hate books where the MC gets back with a cheater cuz if you cheated once you're just a shit person cuz there's genuinely no reason for it unless you have no respect for your partner and even yourself. If this chapter brings bad memories to anyone i apologize in advance, but just know you are a bad ass bitch and that person is insignificant dirt that just made you shine even more. 

Having said all of this, there will be no "getting back together/ redemtion" scenerio for this. Please enjoy.

Requested by Lovex16 sorry it took so long

Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou had been coming home really late lately. He had been more distant than usual. Even Mina, someone you had know since Junior high, definatly thought something was up. On his one day off that week you happened to have work. It wasn't very busy and your boss let you leave, so you decided to go home early and surprise your boyfriend. Before you got home you went to the store and bought him his favorite spicy ramen and some orange roses. When you walked through the door you immeaditly knew something was wrong. There was a jacket on the back of the sofa, in a color of which you would never wear, and Bakugou's shirt on the floor. You could hear noises coming from the bedroom and your heart immeadielty dropped. You walked over to the room and slammed the door open. Bakugou was with a someone you had never seen before. They stopped what they were doing and looked at you. "Y/n." He whispered. You only shook your head, not even looking at him, and grabbed the suitcase out of the closet and started grabbing all your things out of the room. Bakugou pushed the girl to the floor and hurriedly put on a shirt and boxers. He followed you as you walked to the bathroom and grabbed more of your stuff. "Hey, what are you doing?" "Leaving." You said not looking up. "What, you can't do that." He said as he followed you to the door. "And why the hell not?" You asked. "Because you promised you wouldn't leave me." He whispered. "I promised I wouldn't leave unless you have me and reason to." You said as you walked out the door.

Todoroki Shouto
Todroki hadn't really been talking to you since you went to America for hero work. He hadn't really answered your calls or text and whenever you tried to video call him, he just always happened to be busy. So knowing this and with your gut telling you something was definatly wrong you didn't tell him when you were back in town. You walked to yours and his favorite bakery to pick something up for the two of you to talk over only to walk in there and see him on an obvious date with someone else. I mean no one just shares a two strawed drink and eating a fucking donut like this is the Girlfriend music video with someone they aren't on a date with. You nodded to yourself and walked up to the counter. You were really good friends with the barista, which usually made Todoroki jealous, but who the hell gave a shit anymore. "Hey Y/n, good to see you're back in town." He said just loud enough for Todoroki to hear. The bicolored hair boy spit out his milkshake at what he heard and turned towards the counter wideyed. "It's nice to see you too Ryan. I missed you so much. It's so nice being single, you know?" You replied. "Of course I know. I have been for a while." He laughed. Todoroki jumped out of his seat and stormed over to you and grabbed your arm. "What do you mean, 'it's nice being single' we're in a realtionship." He growled. "Not anymore. I don't date cheaters. Nice seeming you again though Todoroki." You said with a hug, only the real intention of it was to steal his credit card to buy yourself are new stuff so you didn't have to go back to the apartment. Not like you wanted to those clothes anymore anyway, the bitch was wearing your shirt. You the grabbed the two hot coffees you bought and poured one on Todoroki's head. You then walked away saying. "Give me a call sometime Ryan. Let's catch up."

Midoriya Izuku
He had been "working late" for a while. You had your suspicions about it. Mostly becuase this working late had to do with office and paper work. So on a day he was working late you went to his office. You walked in and talked to the lady at the desk. You told her who you were and what the situation was and she compliantly let you in. You walked over to his office and heard noises coming from inside. You clenched your fists and slammed the door open. Izuku was making out with someone else but quickly pushed them off wide-eyed when he saw you. "Y-y/n, I- I can explain." He said. No need It's fine. I understand. I had a feeling this would happen. I already moved all my stuff to Shouto's anyway. See you later Midoriya." You said as you closed the door and walked away.

Kirishima Eijiro
He had been leaving a lot lately. He didn't even hide it. Then one night he sat you on the couch saying you guys need to talk. "What is is Eijiro?" You asked in a monotone voice, bracing yourself for what you knew he was about to say. "Y/n, I've been cheating on you." He said with no emotion at all, but looking down at his hands. "I know." You replied, the same emotionless voice. "How?" "I put two and two together. The late night phone calls, leaving out of nowhere, the constant texts, and the clothes that aren't mine or yours stashed in the bottom of my dresser." You said getting up. "It's fine though. I've had a bag packed since I realized. I was just waiting for you to tell me yourself." You said, still emotionless. Then you walked out the door.

Kaminari Denki
He didn't even hide it. He flirt and hit on other people right in front of you. You just sat there quietly, until you had enough and finally broke. "Hey hot stuff. What are you doing tonight." The person giggled and you slapped Denki. "I fucking hate you! You little prick! Go fall into the pits of Tartarus you fucking assclown!" You then walked away and left with the car. Leaving him at the bar 2 hours from your house, that of which you'd throw all of his belongings out and change the locks.

Iida Tenya
He had been ditching you a lot lately. You were getting a bad feeling. You knew what was going on. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened to you. So you confronted him and broke it off. "Tenya, I know what you're doing." You sighed as you paused the t.v. "And what might that be?" He asked. "I know you're cheating on me." You told him with a frown. "Y/n, I'm sorry." He sighed. "And of course that's all you have to say. It's fine I get it." You shook your head. "I'm gonna go. Bye Tenya." You said as you grabbed your phone and left.

Monoma Neito
He was just so distant and rude with you. "Hey, babe, what's going on with you. You've been a distant lately." You asked as you put your book down. "Y/n, I have to tell you something." He said stiffly. "Al-alright. What is it?" You questioned. "I've been seeing someone else." He admitted. "Oh. Oh." You chuckled to yourself and shook your head. Then it turned into a full on laugh, with tears running down your face. "Hey Y/n are you okay." He asked concerned. "Just leave Neito. Just leave." You said with tears streaming down your face.

Shinso Hitoshi
He told you what was going on. "Y/n." Hitoshi said as he sat down next to you on the couch. "Yeah, what is it Toshi." You said pausing your video game. "Listen. I've been cheating on you. I didn't like where this relationship is going. I was scared so I started seeing someone else." He delared. "Okay." You said emotionlessly and with a blank face. "Just okay? You're not even a little mad?" He asked. "Of course I'm mad. I'm furious. But I've learned to expect these things since it's happened so many times before. I just don't even care anymore. But I'm leaving." YOu said walking awaay.

You cought him. You both had the same mission but he insisted on splitting up. You had been suspicious for a while so you followed him. He met up with someone and they started making out. You nodded to yourslef and walked away to complete the mission. You being pissed off there was a lot more collateral damage than usual.

Amajiki Tamaki
He had been really distant lately. To the point of avoiding you. So one day you confronted him. "Tamaki what's up? Why have you been avoiding me?" You asked. "Y/n I've been seeing someone else." He whispered. "Oh." You sighed to yourself. "Well, um, I wish you the best and I hope you guys are happy together." You said walking away. "Wait, Y/n, I'm sorry." He said. You stopped momentarily, but didn't turn around so he wouldn't see your tears. "It's fine Tama, really. I don't care. I just want you to be happy." You said walking away and never looking back.

Not edited

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