Deku x Quirkless reader (Angst💔)

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Requested by Its_deku_and_I Again sorry it took so long

Deku was once again stuck in the infirmary. Of course he got severely hurt during a villain attack. He slowly opened his green orbs only to quickly shut them afterwords. Once his eyes adjusted to the light he recognized where he was.

He then looked to the side to see you in a chair looking out of the window. "H-hey Y/N-chan." You didn't answer and just kept looking out the window. "How long was I out?" He asked. To which you still haven't answered. "How long have you been here? Did you get any sleep?" Once he got the memo that you weren't going to answer him he stayed quiet.

After a few minutes of suffocating silence he spoke up again. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He heard you growl in response. You finally turned to him. Your face was tear streaked and your eyes were bloodshot and yet you still held a glare.

You got up from you seat, tears still streaming down your face, stood in front of him, and slapped him across the face. He looked back at you wide-eyed but otherwise didn't do anything, only waited for you to speak.

"I hate you. You know that." You growled. He only looked down at his hands sadly. "And I fucking hate that fact that I'm in love with someone so fucking reckless." You took a deep breath to try and calm down before you spoke again. "They didn't know if you were going to wake up. You asked how long you were out. Three weeks Izuku, three fucking weeks. Three weeks of me not knowing if you would ever wake up." He sucked in a breath.

"You're always putting yourself right in the face a danger. And sure I don't understand because I don't have a quirk, but you didn't have a quirk either at one point. So how do you not understand how scared and pissed off I get?"

"It's like you have this unhealthy obsession with putting yourself in harm's way just to save everyone else no matter the cost. Like you don't even care about your own life. And I get it your the number one her but at some point you need to realize that you can't save everyone especially if you could die in the process. I'm at the coffee shop every day working. I always have to make sure they have the news on so I don't get some surprise call that you didn't make it."

"Do you know how painful and mentally exhausting it is to go everyday worrying about whether you're going to make it home. I can't keep doing this Izuku." You said looking down.

"Y/N please don't do this. Please don't go. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just please don't go." He cried

"Izuku, please stop. I just need some time to think about everything and where this is going to go. You can go back to the apartment once you get discharged, but I'll be staying at my sister's house for a while while I decide what I'm gonna do. I just don't know if I can deal with this for much longer." You said as you grabbed your stuff and left the hospital.

A few tears fell from Izuku's eyes, but he understood. What if he were in your position. He'd just have to wait and find out if he still needed the ring he bought before the accident.

(Not edited)

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