Shinso x reader: It's Obviously You

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Y/N P.O.V.

I walked down the crowded halls of U.A. trying my hardest to get to the cafeteria without getting trampled. I had finally caught up to my group of friends. I smiled as I walked up to my best friend Denki Kaminari. He waved at me giving me a huge smile. I let out a light laugh as I ran up to him, jumping into his arms. He picked me up, spinning me around and kissed the top of my head.

"So, how are doing on this fine day, my little Y/N?" He questioned as he put me down. "I'm fine, thank you for asking. How about you? How's it going with crush of yours?'' I asked with a smirk. Denki's face immeaditly got red. "I-it's, I um, I-well, you see." "You still haven't told her have you?" I asked. He sighed. "It's complicated." "Is it now?" I asked, quirking a brow. "She's just, she's so perfect. In every way. Plus I don't want to ruin the friend ship we already have. Also I'm pretty sure she likes someone else." He said with a sullen tone.

"Here why don't you practice on me?" I told him. "That- that won't help." He said. "And why not." "Because, because it's you." He told me. "What's that suppose to mean? Are you saying I'm a bad person? A-are you saying I'm not s/o material? A-are you saying-" I let out a sob. "What, n-no. That's not what I'm saying, please stop crying." He pleaded. I let out another sob and just then Hitoshi Shinso decided he was gonna walk over here.

My eyes immediately widened and I was quiet. "Did you just make them cry." He questioned Denki. "N-no. I mean yes, but I-" What did you do? Why would you do that? How dare you." Denki looked at me with pleading eyes for help and I mustered all the courage I had to helped. "H-hey, uh, S-Shinso, I-I'm fine really. I was uh, j-just messing around with him." I spoke quietly. You see, I may or may not have had a crush on Shinso for a while now.

Like maybe since the sports festival. It's just, he's so, so, ugh. I just love how he's so set on what he wants. His whole life people have told him that his quirk was more fit for a villain so what did he do, he tried to prove them wrong by becoming a hero. Me personally I probably would've become a villain just show them what they made me. But him, he's proving them wrong. Don't get me wrong his determination isn't the only thing that drove me to him. There's also his cleverness, and the fact that he's so straight forward, and so much more. But, I don't think he's ever noticed me before today.

At my response he quirked a brow questioningly at me. It wasn't a secret that I was a naturally loud and outgoing person. I was very saractic but also had the power to make anyone laugh no matter their mood. I also wasn't very easily embarrassed or flustered, so when I became a flustered stuttering mess in front of Shinso my guess was he was slightly suprised. "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" He asked. "N-no." God damnit, I really need to quit stuttering.

"Is that so?" He smirked. He them leaned towards my face and whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting my exposed skin making me shiver, this only caused him to smirk more. "Meet me at the gate after school so we can.... talk." Then he walked away. Denki was now smirking at me. "So Y/N has a meeting with their crush after school, huh? This should be fun." "Oh shut up." I huffed.

"How do you think Bakugou's gonna take this?" I questioned. "I think he'll be slightly annoyed but otherwise won't intervene." Denki said. "Really?" I asked hopefully. "Nope, I think you're both dead meat." I only groaned in response.


It was finally after school and I walked to the gate, seeing that Shinso was already there. "So you actually came?" He questioned in his usual stoic tone. "What, you thought I wouldn't?" I asked. "Oh look at that someone got their confidence back." he smirked. I only blushed in response. All of a sudden I was grabbed and pushed up against the gate, my head hitting it in the process. I groaned and Shinso said a quiet "sorry" as he trapped me with his arms.

"I need you to answer some questions for me, and be honest. Can you do that?" He asked. I only nodded, afraid he'd use his quirk on me. "I'm not gonna use my quirk, it wouldn't be the same." He said, whispering the last part. "Do you like Denki Kaminari?" He growled. I was quiet, why the fuck would he ask a weird ass question like that. "So you do?" His voice broke and he looked so, hopeless? "Oh, God no, he's like a brother to me." I told him. "Are you sure, you're not just saying that?" He asked. "Yes. I'm sure." I told him. "Then who do you like?" I didn't answer and just turned my head to the side so I didn't have to look at him. "Because I," He continued. "I like you, a hell of a lot." And my head snapped back towards him.

"You're just so, so amazing. You can make anyone laugh no matter what. And you're not afraid to tell people what you think. And you're so damn hot. And every time I see you laughing with Kaminari, or bakugou, or Kirishima, I just get so jealous. Questioning why you would never laugh like that with me, or talk to me, or even notice me. And then today, when you started crying, I- I knew that you were faking it. That you made yourself cry, but it was an excuse to go talk you. But you were so quiet and I thought maybe I scared you or something. Honestly I didn't think you'd show up, but here you are."

"And if you don't like me I get it, but at least tell me. Don't stay silent like you are. I really can't stand it." He said, his voice breaking again. "God, you're so hot." I said then I kissed him. He was shocked for a moment but then quickly kissed back. My fingers were tangled in his hair and the other on his chest, one of his hands was on my waist and the other behind my neck, deepening the kiss. We pulled apart for air and I chuckled. "Does that tell you how I feel?" I asked. "I want to hear you say it." He told me and I let out a laugh. "You Hitoshi, I obviously have a crush on you." I told him, causing him to pull me in for another kiss. That is, until an angry Ash blond came running yelling, "Get your hands off my sibling you prick!"


The next day I walked into U.A. with a smile on my face. Me and Shinso were offical. Though my brother wasn't too happy about it. I walked into class today see Denki talking to Jirou and her smiling nodding her head vigorously. He then smiled back and pulled her into a hug. I walked over to them. "So he finally told you, huh Jirou?" I asked. "Y/N, you knew this whole time and didn't tell me, I thought we were friends?" Jirou huffed. I just shrugged in response. "So how's it go with Shinso?" Denki asked. "Well," I said as someone's arms wrapped around my waist and their chin on my head. "Yeah, how'd it go?" Shinso asked. I just laughed. "Don't you have class?" I asked. "Maybe." He answered causing me to chuckle. "Hey, get your hands off my sibling extra!" "Katsuki, shut the fuck up!" I yelled back.

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