#14 Why You break up

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Bakugou Katsuki
You hated how he was always picking on Izuku. The little broccoli head is your best friend and all. So you finally said something and he got pissed off. "You're just a helpless loser, Deku!" Bakugou yelled. "Katsuki shut the hell up! That's enough! You need to stop picking on him. You're classmates, previous friends, and some day when you're both heros you'll need to work together, so you need to get along!" You yelled, smacking him. "Shut the fuck up! I don't need him or you at that matter! I don't need anyone, so just fuck off!" He yelled at you. You had tears in your eyes from both anger and sadness. "Fine, fuck you too, Bakugou." You said his family name with venom while walking away.

Todoroki Shouto
He was just super pissed off with his dad one day and took it out on you. "Are you okay Shou?" You asked softly as you put a hand on his shoulder as he stared blankly at his soba. "Don't touch me! I don't need him to become a hero. And I don't need your help to get through this either. All you are is a distraction from my real goal." He said coldly. "Shou, you don't mean that." You whispered. "I do. I don't need him to try and tell me what to do and I don't need you getting in my way or distracting me." He hissed. "If that's how you really feel then fine. In the end though, all we found out was you're more like your father than you care to admit. And with that you walked out of the cafeteria.

Midoriya Izuku
You were worried about him and how he was using his quirk and always putting himself in danger. You understood he was working to be a hero, so were you, but he just seemed to always jump into a dangerous situation without thinking and you said something about it. "Izuku, I care about you and that's why I can't keep on standing idly by and watch you do this to yourself. You always run into danger and it's not good for you. You could end up seriously hurt, or-or worse. And what do you expect the people who care about you to do when that happens?" You asked with tears in your eyes as you stood next to his hospital bed. "Are you saying you don't support me in what I do? That you don't believe in me?" "No, that's not-" "All my life people told me I couldn't be a hero, they didn't believe or support me. I thought you were different Y/N, but I guess not." He said turning away from you. "If that's what you think I'm saying then I won't waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. We should probably take a break for a while. I think we both need time to think and to ourselves." You said grabbing your backpack and walking away. "Y/n that's not what I-" "Goodbye Izuku."

Kirishima Eijiro
He just kinda stood idly by and watched as Bakugou treated everybody like shit and when you said something he took Bakugou's side. "Eijiro, why don't you ever say anything when Bakugou's being an ass. He treats everyone like shit and you just stand there and watch. You know the people who watch and do nothing are no better than the bully themselves." You told him. "But Bakugou's not doing anything wrong. He's just giving them some tough love and competition." Kirishima replied. "There's a difference between though live and verbal abuse, I'm starting to think neither of you know it?" You growled. "I don't think he's really doing anything wrong." "Fine. I'm gonna hang out with some other people for a while. I need some time away from you and you need to figure what should and shouldn't be concerned "manly" and "heroic"." You said as you walked over to Momo.

Kaminari Denki
Even though you guys were dating he was still a constant flirt and perv and you just couldn't stand it anymore, so you left. "Hey, Y/n what's wrong?" He asked trying to hug you to which you flinched away in response. "Listen Denki, I think, well, I think that maybe it's best we see other people." You said with a sigh. "W-why, is-is there someone else?" He asked. "Not for me, but I'm not sure you can say the same." "W-what. There's no one else. I love you I've told you I love you. Do you think I just throw that word around?" He asked, his voice cracking. "I think you don't take me or this relationship seriously. You're constantly flirting with and hitting on other people, and being a complete perv. I don't know about other people but I consider flirting with someone other than the person you're with a form of cheating and that's not something I'll stick around for. I love, but I can't do this. It's torture and it messes me up mentally. I gotta go now. I'm suppose to meet Tamaki for coffee." You said walking out of the dorm room.

Iida Tenya
It was the fact that he was so strict. Your personalities just kinda clashed one day. You were so hyper and reckless and had such a devil may care attitude, while he was so uptight and organized. "Y/n you need to stop being so reckless. And put more effort into your studies, this is still a school." He told you. "High, Tenya lighten up, you're so boring. It's annoying. Just let me do what I want to." You sighed. "Y/n-." "Listen Tenya, I think I need some time to myself. You're always on my ass for something and it's fucking annoying. I'll see ya later." You said as you got on your skateboard and we're gone leaving Iida to wonder what he did wrong.

Monoma Neito
It was his jealousy. He was pissed off about you being in 1A and how you were spending so much time with Bakugou and he just snapped. "Hey, what's wrong baby?" You whispered as you wrapped your arms around him. "Fuck off Y/n!" He yelled, pushing you away. "Hey what's the matter?" "You must think you're do much better than me, huh? 'Cause you're in 1A, and you've fought real villains, and you're top of your class in your studies! You must be looking down on me constantly, along with that jerk Bakugou!" He yelled. "Hey calm down." You said. "No, I'm not gonna calm down. Why don't you go hand out with your boyfriend Bakugou and the rest of your friends from 1A. I don't need you her anyway. Why would I want to be with someone who looks down on me?" He said snarkily. "If that's what you want then fine, I'll leave." You said grabbing your things and going.

Shinso Hitoshi
What people were saying about his quirk and you got to him and he took it out on you. "Toshi, are you alright? What's wrong?" You asked quietly. "You think just like they do, don't you? You think I'm a villain? You're scared of me and that's why you're with me, because you're afraid of what I'd do if you rejected me. "What, Toshi, what the hell are you talking about? You know I love you. And I could never be afraid of you, I never was." You told him. "Stop lying to me!" He yelled slamming his hands on the desk, making you flinch. "See, what did I say? You are afraid of me." He said, smirking sadly. "Toshi, you know that's not what that was." You tried to reason. "I think you should leave Y/n." Was all he said. You looked at him as he said nothing else, sighed, and left.

You got in a fight with Shigaraki to the point he almost killed you and Dabi just stood there doing nothing, just watching. "What are you gonna do now that your life is in my hands Y/n?" Shigaraki chuckled darkly. "F-fuck you crusty." You spit out with what little air you had left. Shigaraki's hand tightened around your neck in response causing you to gasp. "Okay Tomura. That's enough, you're going to kill them. You're siblings, please try and be a little more civilized with each other." Kurogiri said calmly. Shigaraki let you go and you fell to the floor gasping for breath. Then you turned to Dabi. "Well you should get the boyfriend of the year award." You spit out spitefully. "And why is that?" He asked as he took a sip of his scotch. "I'm over here getting strangled to death and you're just standing there sipping your scotch like you're watching a fucking movie." You growled, rubbing your throat. "Oh, you're fine." He sighed. "You know what, fuck you! I'm done with you and your bullshit." You said stomping off to your room and slamming the door. "I think you should talk to them." Toga said. "No, I'd let them cool off a little first. Just hope they don't turn this place into a freezer in the process." Kurogiri said.

Amajiki Tamaki
His anxiety and depression got the best of him. He thought you would be better off without you so he let you go. "Y/n, I-I think we should break up." He whispered. "T-tama, why?" You asked with tears in your eyes. "You could do so much better than me and I just want what's best for you. That's not me, I'm not what's best for you so I'm leaving." He said walking away with tears in his eyes. "Tamaki, please, please don't do this!" You yelled with tears falling down your face.

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