1~ Womanizer of the Four Winds

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[A/N:] If you are re-reading, please do not spoil anything for first time readers ❤️

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[A/N:] If you are re-reading, please do not spoil anything for first time readers ❤️


"Woman!" The man slipped and fell into the still sea colored water of the tub, obviously startled by your screeching. "For Zeus' sake, stop screaming like Demeter did when Persephone disappeared!!"

You didn't stop screaming. In fact, you kept screaming as you bolted for the towel that was draped on the wall hanger. You finally stopped when you'd securely wrapped the towel around your body tightly.

"Mortals," you heard the man in the tub mutter half to himself. "Forgot how overreactive they are."

"Who the hell are you?" You sputtered, heart hammering in your chest.

A damp, dark head poked out from the tub and you were greeted by a ferociously scowling young man. You didn't realize until now how youthful the guy looked. "I go by many names: Son of the Wind and Sea, Slayer of Monsters, Womanizer of the North..." he trailed off slightly at your baffled look. "But you may call me Jungkook if we must keep it as boring as possible."

"You... you were supposed to be a bath bomb!" You exploded.

The strange man, Jungkook, rolled his eyes and with a ripple through his muscles, rose up and emerged from the tub. Your eyes practically bugged out as the man shamelessly stepped out into the wide open bathroom buck naked as the day he was born. "Well turns out it's your lucky day, sweetheart, cause you just got something ten times better: me," he drawled, pushing back his damp hair to reveal a strong forehead.

"Oh my ghod, can you please put on some clothes?" You gasped, ripping your eyes away from the tantalizing— er, sinful scene before you.

"Why? It's freeing without clothes. You mortals should try it more often." At the corner of your eye you could see Jungkook was stretching. You caught sight of smooth, muscled thighs before you quickly focused on the blank wall in front of you, cheeks burning. "In fact, sweetheart, why don't you get rid of your towel there? It's not like I haven't seen a woman's body before. I am known as the Womanizer of the South—"

"North," you interrupted.

Jungkook faltered. "Pardon?"

"You said you were the womanizer of the North," you said simply.

A chuckle escaped Jungkook. "Ah well, I'm the Womanizer of the Four Winds I suppose. I've slept with Zeus' great-granddaughter, Apollo's step-niece, even Artemis' sister-in-law, and countless others both of goddesses and mortals."

"What is wrong with you?" You groaned. "I don't need to know all that!" But just one glance at his face, you didn't doubt at all he probably had slept with countless girls before. His face was filled with both a fierceness of something wild and unearthly as well as the softness of a freshly blossomed young man.

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