42~ A Cup of Tea

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[Your POV]
I was shivering by the time I reached her place. My short breaths came out in puffs of white in the chilly evening air. There were only a few lights on inside. I highly doubted she was asleep though. She was always a bit of a night owl.

I pounded on her door with one hand while leaning against the doorbell with my other.

It still took almost a full minute before I heard loud footsteps running towards the door.

I stepped back at the sound of locks turning and then the door was flung open.

Lulu stood in the doorway, gaping at me. "Y/N what the actual—"

"Let me in," I gasped, pushing into her apartment and then slamming the door shut behind me. I leaned heavily against the wooden frame, panting. "Something's happened."

"What on earth, what happened?" Lulu exclaimed at ragged appearance. Her voice sounded a little nasal, like she had a cold.

I finally took in my friend's appearance. She was in a bathrobe but her face was prepped with dramatic eyeliner and makeup.

"I was going out to a party," she said dismissively at my stare.

"Are you sick Lu?"

At that she frowned. "I literally just said I'm going out to a party. Why would I go out to the party when I'm sick?"

I blinked in surprise at the sharp defensive tone that entered her voice. For a second I thought I'd heard that tone before but the memory slipped from my mind, elusive. "Geez, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Lulu smiled a little at that. "You're too kind."

Confusion continued to flow through me but I decided not to push her weird behavior any further. For all I knew she could just be on her period in her mood swings. "Look, it's just... can I stay here tonight?"

She frowned again. "I mean, of course my house is always open to you. But why...?"

"It's Jungkook."

Her brows flew up. "Jungkook?" She grabbed my arm. "Did that mean demigod try and do something to you?"

Words clogged into my throat. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do anymore. I'd gotten into such a deep mess and hadn't even realized it until it was too late. Jungkook's cold laugh and stinging words seared through my mind.

Lulu's eyes softened as she took in my obvious distress. "Here let's go to my room. I need to take off my makeup. Obviously I'm not going to the party tonight anymore."

I let her gently take my shoulders and lead me down the hall to her bedroom. While my bedroom was always neat and everything had its place, Lulu's bedroom was a mess like a tornado of clothes had hit it.

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