13~Jungkook's Sales Are 100% Clothes Off

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"Falling for me already, sweetheart?" Jungkook arched a brow in amusement as I summoned all willpower not to cradle my stubbed toe and start crying like a baby.

"Just... go back to being a bath bomb," I managed to get out between gritted teeth.

I was running late for my afternoon classes and just as was my luck, stubbed my toe on the edge of the sofa that Jungkook happened to be sitting in. He was never going to let me hear the end of falling flat on my face in front of him.

"Need help getting up, sweetheart?" Jungkook rested his head on his hand. "I can be your savior baby anytime."

"Be your own savior when I strangle you tonight," I shot back at him.

"Ooh, so you do have kinks then?" Jungkook perked. "I personally am not a big fan of the choking kink, but I have experimented with a couple—"

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TMI ON YOUR PAST SEX LIFE?!" I wailed, releasing my pain while simultaneously drowning out the rest of Jungkook's dirty words.

He just shrugged innocently. "You started it."

The pain was finally ebbing enough for me to manage getting back up to my feet. "Alright look. I only have two classes this afternoon and should be back before dinner." I took a deep breath. Not going to lie, this was my first time leaving Jungkook alone in my apartment and I was praying that minimal catastrophic damage would occur. "Just... try not to break anything."

"Can you leave your phone here?" Jungkook asked hopefully.

My face immediately darkened. "Absolutely not."

"You're no fun." He dissolved into a pout, folding his arms and gazing stormily into the distance.

"Jungkook please?" I looked at him beseechingly.

He seemed to soften a little under my gaze. "Fine. I'll behave." He leaned forward, eyes sparkling. "But I can't make any promises of good behavior when you come back."

I set him with the strongest death glare I could manage. Never mind the way my stomach seemed to always heat up or the way my blood began pulsing every time he offered me that look. The look of a predator eyeing its last meal. "I can't make any promises of not bringing out the vacuum," I responded.

Jungkook immediately recoiled. "Dammit, she got me."

Stifling a chuckle, I grabbed my bag and books from by the door and without a backward glance stepped outside.

The university was about a twenty minute walk from my apartment. Usually I liked to travel there by foot, enjoy the outdoors and fresh air. However today, since I really wanted nothing more than to go straight there and back again, I took the car.

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