37~Calm Thyself Mortal

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I stared at Jimin before dragging my gaze to the two newcomers as his words slowly sank in. They shifted uncomfortably under my attention, neither of them daring to meet my eyes.

Suddenly the two didn't seem like two mighty demigods from Olympus with carved faces of unearthly refinement and nobility.

No, these two were absolute boneheaded tuRD BISCUITS.

"Uh-oh, did I say something wrong?" Jimin now looked uneasy as he sensed the rising storm of fury in me.

I didn't bother answering. These two stupid sons-of-man-hoes were the cause of my father's injuries. And no one messed with my father without messing with me.

Red exploded in my vision. One moment I was staring at them— the next I had my shoe in a hand. I hurled it with all my strength.

My footwear missile flung true and smacked directly into the gray-haired demigod's face. But I wasn't finished.

"Death!!" I screeched, launching myself at the purple-haired demigod who was still standing.

The two of us crashed to the ground like felled trees. I immediately rained blows on my victim. The gods had no mercy, huh? Well neither did I when they threatened my dear father.

The demigod below me curled into a tight ball under my pummels, not even bothering to fight back. Yells and cries of shock and fear rippled around me.

"Holy Hera—!"

"My money's on the mortal."

"Someone restrain her!"

Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me off before I was finished drumming the living daylights out of the Olympian. "No!" I shrieked, flailing in the iron hold around me. "I'm not done murdering him yet!"

"Calm thyself mortal!" I didn't need to turn around to know who had interfered with my vengeance. There was only one demigod who possessed such a deep voice.

I finally gave up fighting, knowing it was useless against the demigod of strength. I slumped, though never taking my furious gaze off the rumpled Olympian on the ground.

"Hyung are you okay?" Hoseok darted over.

My victim warily peered up. Once reassured that I'd been restrained he sat up. I felt a small thread of victory at his now disheveled appearance.

"Did she scratch my face?" The demigod looked up earnestly towards Hoseok.

I didn't miss the Yoongi's eye roll and the defeated groan that Taehyung released behind me.

Hoseok, patient as ever, just smiled and shook his head. "Your face is fine."

"Man I can't believe you just let a mortal girl kick your ass like that, hyung," Yoongi scoffed, unimpressed. "You sure you want to go back to Olympus with that taint in your reputation?"

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