3~Warm the Bed

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"You're kidding," You breathed. "That's... Poseidon and all that... those are just mythology. Silly beliefs that no one believes in anymore."

"Ah, and in Mortals' forsaking the old ways, the gods and goddesses have become ruthless and corrupt than ever." Jungkook's grin was sardonic and bitter. "It's part of the reason why I was cursed into that— what did you call it?— bath bomb. Got into a bit of a mix up with an especially angry girl."

You didn't blame that girl who must've gotten angry enough at him to transform him into a bath bomb. But you didn't say that aloud. Instead, all you said was, "Poseidon's son? He's god of the oceans, right?"

"God of the Sea, Earthquakes, Storms, and Horses," Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, Dad really likes to rub in his entire title and makes sure everyone knows it by heart."

You shook your head. This was too bizarre and it was getting late into the night. "Look, just... I don't suppose you have somewhere else to be? Or at least can make clothes appear for you to wear, do you?"

"Nope. I need to eventually try and chat with Dad to get me back to Olympus later. I'll need a substantial area of water though to do that. An ocean preferably."

"The closest shoreline is almost two hours drive from here," you told him. "We do have a large lake on the edges of the city though."

"I suppose that'll have to do." Jungkook huffed and tossed his head in the air. "Now, bring forth a chariot so we may ride to the lake!"

You didn't budge.

"If not a chariot any form of transportation will do," Jungkook said at your look.

"You want to go tonight?" You raised a brow.

"Ah, the maiden does not want me to leave before I warm her bed, does she?" Jungkook grinned. "Fear not, I have time."

You pointed to the couch in the living room. "You're sleeping there," you informed him with as much confidence and haughtiness you could muster. "I'll be sleeping in my bed. And in the morning, I'll take you to the lake. Deal?"

"The disrespect." Jungkook dramatically clutched his chest, as if wounded. "I am the son of a god and you Mortal dare plop me in a tiny furnishing not even fit for the servants of Olympus?"

"You. Sleep. There." You enunciated every single word firmly.

Jungkook stared at the couch for a few long moments. "Can I at least get a pillow and blanket?" He asked in an almost meek tone.

A surge of victory shot through you. "Yeah, fine. Give me a moment." You turned and marched to your bedroom. Your apartment was simple but homey three-room apartment. Your bedroom was tucked away at the far end and stuffed with lots of fluffy pillows and blankets.

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