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It's been two weeks since everything went down.

It had taken a full week of the two weeks to explain to Lulu everything that had really happened. Now that Lalage was no longer whispering in her ear and influencing her, Lulu was bursting with questions.

She had no idea that she'd been preyed on by a crazy demigoddess and it had taken a while for her to stop being paranoid and constantly looking over her shoulder.

It didn't help that Yoongi had taken a strange obsession with following her every move with wide, shimmering eyes. The few times he'd tried to approach her Lulu had threatened him in the worst ways possible if he dared touched her.

The unperturbed demigod of mist and illusions would walk just off, laughing and grinning with a strange glow and a sparkle to the eye.

Jin had left sometime in the middle of the first week with Lalage to get her back home for a "good talk with their mother". A couple days after he left, the Mark on my wrist faded and disappeared entirely.

Over the couple weeks I slowly became more attached to the demigods. I'd become used to seeing magnificent pillow forts greeting me every morning and hearing chaos ensuing at any hour of the day.

However deep down I knew that it couldn't last. They were going to be heading home soon now that all their initial missions had been fulfilled. Lalage was caught and Jungkook was safe.

Speaking of Poseidon's son, as the days went by it became clearer and clearer how much it was going to hurt when I would have to say good bye to him.

The last week we'd cuddled and fallen asleep together every night. I didn't dare have another heated night with him and he'd acknowledged my wish to not do it, contenting himself to hold me every night.

I didn't deny the fact that at times I did actually want to go for it. It wasn't trust that was the issue for me anymore. I trusted him a ridiculous amount considering the few months we'd gotten to know each other had mainly been filled with absolute chaos and ninety percent screaming.

It was the fear that after letting him see me in a vulnerable state that no other person had ever seen me, letting him take the one thing no one else would ever be able to take from me, would dangerously attach me to him right when he was leaving .

A little voice continually warned me that I shouldn't even cuddle with him every night because it would only make the goodbye ten times harder. I couldn't stop though. I relished every moment I had with him. Soaking in those lovely big eyes of his, that sweet toothy smile, that lovely bubbly laugh.

Naturally, time flew past in a blur. Days blurred together and then the end of the two weeks arrived. The knock of fate landed upon my front door.

It had been late afternoon and everyone was together in a circle in the middle of the living room floor. Everyone meaning all the demigods plus Lulu and me.

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