15~ You in Danger

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I hugged myself tightly, rocking back and forth on the couch. The image of the ripped open animal seared through my mind, making me nauseous.

Who would do such a thing to a poor, innocent animal?

Someone evil, obviously. Someone who had no trouble opening my locked window and placing the corpse on my precious bed. Someone who didn't want me anywhere close to Jungkook.

"Y/N?" Jungkook's soft voice stirred the air above me as the inky-haired demigod entered the living room. "I cleaned the mess up. There shouldn't be a single drop of blood."

"Thanks," I responded. My voice sounded faint and distant.

Jungkook was wiping his hands on a towel when he stepped into my peripheral vision. Setting the towel down, he gently sat next to me. "I'm really sorry, Y/N. I knew my ex was crazy, but I'd been sure she was going to leave you out of this entire situation."

"Who is your ex?" I glared up at Jungkook.

"I told you, she's Athena's kid—"

"No," I snapped. "I mean, who is she? And what did you do to make her so mad?"

Jungkook seemed to hesitate before taking a deep breath. "Her name is Lalage. We sort of knew each other from when we were little kids. If you didn't know already, Poseidon and Athena are one of the greatest rivals against each other ever since the whole feud with the city being named Athens after Athena. Anyways, Lalage had a massive crush on me despite heritage rivalry. I was her 'first love' according to her."

I watched quietly as Jungkook began to explain. His eyes seemed to drift off as he recollected. For a split second I could've sworn his eyes were almost a deep blue, but no, they were dark as ever.

"She seemed to always trail me wherever I went and always wanted to be near me. Even when I was with another girl. I had a one night stand with her, but that quickly transformed to several night stands over the course of the years. From there it went out of hand. I thought that if I slept with her a few times she'd eventually get tired and leave me alone. But no, it only seemed to increase her obsession with me. Finally I asked her what it would take her to leave me alone." Jungkook grimaced slightly, as if the memories pained him. "She said I had to date her seriously. And if our relationship didn't work out, then she would leave me alone."

I internally shook my head. This Lalage girl really did seem like a crazy lady. Like yeah, I got it in a sense. Jungkook was handsome as heck, and it maybe would take a girl longer than average to get over him. But to go as far as to all but force him to date? That was just crossing the line.

"When we started dating, she was as happy as could be. But I hated every single day. I told her as much, but she kept telling me wait another day, another week, another month. So I wound up dating her for a couple years despite our toxic relationship.

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