32~Casually Choking on a Toothbrush

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You'd never been much of an accessory person. You'd always have trouble finding the energy and effort to wear jewelry. Mainly cause jewelry hated you. Rings pinched your fingers, bracelets rubbed and irritated your wrists, and your few earrings were small and simple or else the long, dangly pieces would get caught on something somehow.

However the necklace that Jungkook had given you felt weightless and there was just something enchanting about the way it twinkled when it caught the light.

You couldn't stop admiring it, even as you brushed your teeth in preparation for crawling into bed.

After standing under the night sky with him hugging you tightly from behind, you finally coaxed him to leave the ocean behind for the day. You swore you heard the ocean hiss in displeasure when Jungkook finally stepped away and the glowing lights died away when he was no longer in contact with the water.

Your mind spun from everything that had happened. You should be thinking about your father. You were still worried about him, no doubt about it. But you felt like you should be thinking...  more about Dad.

Yet your mind kept going back to the image of Jungkook: his head tilted back with the wind blowing back his hair, the ocean shimmering iridescently and rising up to meet his lifted hand. It was like a scene from a movie. It didn't seem real. He didn't seem real.

You groaned a little, mussing the already messy bun you'd tied up so you could brush your teeth and wash your face. What kind of daughter were you? Your dad was in critical care, his memories at stake, and all your stupid brain could think about was the love interest.

Leaning forward to the bathroom mirror you took a closer look at the chain around your neck. It looked like a string of tiny opaque water droplets and the blue jewel in the middle resembled a single rain drop among crystals. It was one of the most beautiful necklaces you'd ever seen.

"You like it?"

You jerked in surprise at the voice. You had somehow not notice the very shirtless Jungkook leaning against the doorframe behind you. And of course, of course, your clumsy hand on the toothbrush jolted the tool against the back of your throat activating your gag reflex and resulting with you choking on the brush and toothpaste.

"Great Zeus!" Jungkook yelped in alarm as you doubled over on the bathroom floor.

Forget about perhaps dying at the hands of his ex-girlfriend. You were going to die choking on a toothbrush. Maybe you'd at least make it into Guinness World Records as the most pathetic way a human ever died.

Violent coughs wracked your body and the hand over your mouth was the only thing stopping toothpaste from spraying everywhere. On second thought, maybe dying was a viable option rather than facing the embarrassing aftermath of Jungkook witnessing your less finer moments in life.

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