30~The Microwave of Doom

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If there was one wish in life I could have it was to never, ever, ever, see Yoongi in a bikini ever again.

The image endlessly burned through my mind the entire time it took the son of Hades to lead Jungkook and I back to where the other demigods were hanging out on the beach.

"Yoongi hyung we told you to bring back girls," Taehyung complained the moment we came within earshot. "Y/N doesn't count."

"Hold on." I halted and hurled a lethal glare in Yoongi's direction. "The reason why you made yourself look like a bikini girl was so you could find yourself girls and hook up??"

"Yeah, so what?" Yoongi grumbled as he snatched a pile of clothes that laid beside a crestfallen-looking Hoseok. "Did you really think we were going to make sandcastles or something?"

"Yes!" I threw my hands in the air. "You guys are nasty! You know what? New rules. I appoint myself as dictator over all of you while your sorry Olympian butts are here on Earth. My first rule is absolutely no womanizing or sleeping with women."

"What's a dick-whatever-you-said?" Taehyung's brows furrowed.

"It means my word supersedes all of yours," I replied.

"That's not fair!" Jimin protested. "Why does Jungkook get to womanize you and we have to just sit around?"

"I'm called international play boy for a reason," Jungkook stated proudly. "I like my girls bad."

I shifted my glare to Jungkook. It was a damn blessing that I wasn't the one with water powers because at the moment I wanted nothing more than to temporarily drown the stupid demigods of loose morales. Or rather, no morales at all.

As if sensing my murderous thoughts Jungkook took a few steps back. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"And what if we break your rules?" Yoongi had now pulled on proper pants and was slipping on a shirt. I didn't even want to ask where he got the bikini. "What are you going to do? You're Mortal and we're demigods. You have nothing you can threaten us with."

At that I smirked. If Jungkook liked his girls bad he was about to freaking adore me.



You watched with detached amusement and smugness as the demigods scrambled over your parents' dining room in pure terror.

You didn't think making popcorn in the microwave had ever been more empowering than this moment right now where you asserted dictatorship over Olympian demigods.

You had lead the demigods to your parents' residence, which was a quick five minute walk from the area you'd all been standing on the beach. It was a lovely abode with the back leading directly to the beach. The minute you'd entered the house, you'd rummaged around the pantry and found a bag of popcorn seeds to put in your parents high-power Panasonic microwave. As expected, the demigods had immediately lost their cool the moment the machine whirred to life.

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