18~ Shut Up and Dance With Me

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This was a bad idea.

The moment Jungkook had pulled you onto the dance floor, your stupid legs decided to immobilize and you tripped over your ankles. If it weren't for his strong arms quickly coming around you, you probably would've gone face planting onto the ground in front of everyone.

"You need to stop falling for me," he smirked. "What happens if I'm not there to catch you one day?"

"You need to stop being so full of yourself," you fired back. "What happens if you infuriate a woman with a chainsaw one day?"

"I infuriate you every day," he replied mildly. "I think I can handle a Mortal woman with a chainsaw any day."

You shook your head. "Let go of me." You tried twisting out of his grasp. "I don't dance."

"Too bad." His arms didn't loosen a bit around you. "You wouldn't abandon me on the dance floor would you?"

"There are plenty of woman who'd love to keep you company," you responded shortly.

As if to prove your point, a group of young girls had gathered around the rejected girl and shot glares in yours and Jungkook's direction. Their gazes were filled with sharp envy and longing.

You stumbled over your feet as Jungkook tried spinning you and the girls immediately dissolved into whispering to each other.

"Plenty of woman always wish to keep me company," Jungkook declared imperiously. "However, I have chosen my woman and the ladies will have to wait their turn."

My woman...

What was wrong with you? He only was referring to you in a way dance partners referred to each other. There was no reason to get flustered.

"However, I must say," Jungkook remarked, wincing when you accidentally stepped on his foot as he tried leading you in the dance, "I am starting to see why you don't dance very often."

"I warned you," you mumbled. You were awkwardly trying to sway with him, your arms barely brushing his corded arms. Just the thought of clinging onto him like some of the couples dancing around you made your entire body flush up and make your lower stomach twist and heat.

You tensed when one of his hands took your wrist and tugged you forward until your chests were mere centimeters apart. He continued to wrap your arm around his neck before sliding his hand back down your back and resting it on your hip. His other hand caught your free hand and quickly interlaced your fingers together.

It felt like fire was burning through your veins. How did the demigod of water manage to easily turn you into a pillar of fire?

"Relax, sweetheart," he whispered, leaning down so his husky voice brushed against your ears. "Just follow my lead."

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