6~Poseidon is a Man Hoe

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A loud crack suddenly resounded on outside my car window causing me to jump. My head snapped to the side and my eyes widened, flabbergasted. I leaned over the console and swung open the passenger door.

Right outside, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere, stood a very pissed and very wet looking Jungkook. Water soaked his new clothes through and through and rivulets of it fell from his hair and streamed down his face. His eyes practically shone in rage.

"Jungkook?" I gasped, ignoring the small happy spark inside of me at seeing him again. "What happened?"

"Poseidon happened," he seethed, trembling slightly. I couldn't tell if it was because he was cold or if he was just that furious. "That man is such a... such a man hoe."

"... man hoe?" I echoed, confused.

"Isn't that the term you used when you first met me?" Jungkook muttered, clambering inside my car, wet clothes and all. "You said it was a very insulting term. Now I'm using that insulting term on my dad. I hope he runs into Medusa... literally."

At my befuddled expression Jungkook waved a hand at me. "It's complicated. Dad and Medusa had a thing and now every time Medusa sees Dad, he comes back home with at least a couple bruises. Last time they accidentally met on Earth at a Mexican restaurant. Dad was covered in refried beans when he came home."

"S-so I presume you're not going back to Olympus any time soon?" I stammered.

Never mind, why did I ever feel disappointed at the possibility of not seeing Jungkook again? My head was already beginning to ache just by him talking.

"Nope," Jungkook fumed."He's assigned me to find the girl who cursed me before I'm allowed to go back to Olympus."

Silence lapsed through the car for a few moments. I cleared my throat. "So what now?"

"Now I'm hungry," Jungkook declared, opening his eyes. "Feed me."

I arched a brow. The car engine had been running the entire time and I quickly put the car in reverse, hitting the gas pedal hard.

Jungkook let out a squawk as he was ungracefully thrown from his chair and onto the dashboard at the force of the car.

Boldness shot through me and without missing a beat  I shifted the car back into drive and stomped on the gas. Now an inhumane screech escaped Jungkook as he was hurled back into the seat. "MERCY!" He screeched as we shot through the parking lot towards the main road.

I finally hit the brakes which Jungkook barely managed not to be flung back out of his seat by clinging to the console. "Sorry about that," I said dryly. "I thought you were hungry for some adrenaline. So I fed you."

Terror was written all over Jungkook's face as he clung to the console and his seat. "You're a man hoe," he hissed at me when he recovered.

I snorted. "Put on your seatbelt."

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