7~Papi Chulo is a Fat Burrito

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"Do you know who it's from?" I glanced up at Jungkook worriedly.

"I have a few ideas." Jungkook grabbed the notecard. He glanced at the notecard one last time before he tore it in half.

I flinched a little at the sound of tearing paper.

He then peered curiously behind me. "Is the water supposed to be doing that?"

I wheeled around and released a small yelp of dismay. In our distraction, the water had boiled over and now was running down the side of the pot in sizzling rivulets. Every place the water fell into the blaze below the pot a hot orange flame erupted to quickly lick it up.

"Oh no!" I darted over to the stove and switched the fire off. "Crap," I muttered under my breath. Then I recalled the more important matters at hand than the ruined pasta water. "Whose that from?"

Jungkook was leaning against the counter, head tilted up and eyes closed up as if he was relaxing.  But he couldn't possibly be relaxing could he? Not after... what happened. "Technically I don't know for sure who it's from," Jungkook said smoothly. "But if I had to take a wild guess? It's the my crazy ex who turned me into a bath bomb in the first place."

I blanched. "You're kidding me right?"

"I'm only 99% sure, so I won't judge if you don't believe me."

"Jungkook. The note was in my apartment."

Jungkook frowned. "So?"

"So that means someone broke in to put that note there!" I yelled.

"They probably didn't break anything." Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly. "My ex has several henchmen who can easily pass through Mortal walls. She probably hired one of them to put the note there."

"You are not helping me feel secure." I raked a hand through my hair in agitation.

Jungkook's eyes softened slightly. "If it makes you feel any better, my ex is out to get me. You just happen to be the Mortal I'm housing with which is why you're caught in the middle of this. No worries. I don't think your life is in danger though."

"You don't think— get out!" I abruptly yelled, jerking the an angry finger towards the doorway.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook looked taken aback.

"Did I stutter? I am not letting you stay in here and possibly endanger my life."

"I endanger your life every day with my looks and now you're concerned about this slim possibility of henchmen coming?" Jungkook gaped.

"Of course I'm concerned about henchmen!" I snapped, anger bubbling up in me as hot as the boiling pasta water seconds before. The emotion seized me tightly; and maybe that's why I said the next words. "And don't be so full of yourself. You're not even that good looking."

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