25~ Phone Call About Yee-Haw

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➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➵➶[Your POV]Son of a biscuit eater!

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[Your POV]
Son of a biscuit eater!

I jerked awake at the rattling snores reverberating in my ear. Of all the flaws that Jungkook could possibly possess, it was snoring loud enough to wake the dead from the prehistoric ages.

The two of us were still in the same position we'd fallen asleep in: his arms wrapped tightly around my ribs, head resting on my shoulder, legs entangled together. Muttering curses under my breath I gingerly pried his arms away and pulled my legs out from under his. At least a hundred different joints in my body cracked as I stretched my cramped muscles.

Jungkook continued to snore away, burying his face into the pillow where my head had just been. I shook my head a little, a reluctant smile tugging at the edges of my mouth. Before I could stop myself I reached down and brushed a few strands of hair from his (mighty) forehead.

The first order of business was to check the living room to ensure minimal disaster had taken place. The fire alarm hadn't gone off which was already a good sign in my opinion. When I entered the main room I halted in perplexity.

Last night, I'd left the four demigods grumbling and tossing in their blankets and pillows on the floor and couch. Now, a whole pillow-blanket fort, worthy of a freaking art museum, greeted my eyes. Several larger blankets were draped from the couch to the floor to make a makeshift tent and pillars of pillows lifted the blankets to make little towers. Beneath it all, just peeking out from the edges of the blankets, were four pairs of feet.

"What do you know," I muttered to myself. "Even demigods make pillow forts."

Just then a soft buzzing from my pocket signaled an incoming call. I turned around and began heading back to my bedroom, grabbing my phone. I immediately winced when I saw the caller ID.

It was Lulu.

I cleared my throat, trying to make my voice as light as possible. "Hey Lulu."

"Y/N! Are you doing anything this weekend?" Lulu's voice chirruped over the phone. "Whats say we have a girls weekend? You know, tan a little, get some flirting game in, sip some tequila lemonades..."

"Um, I don't think that'll be possible," I mumbled.

"Is that guilt in your voice?" Lulu's voice immediately became sharp with suspicion. Dang her for being so intuitive and knowing me too well. "Y/N what are you up to?"

"Well, you see..."

"Is Papi Chulo still there?" Lulu immediately pounced on the dreaded subject. "He didn't do anything to you did he?? If he did anything to you, I'll skin him alive!"


"I'll be there in five min—"

"No no no!" I quickly yelled. And then I told Lulu of the Festival of Lights, almost getting abducted, and then the new situation I was now in.

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