21~Debut of the Vacuum of the Black Void

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"What's this?"

"That's a coffee maker. Put it back where you found it."

"Oh my Sphinx! Is this a Pygmy trapper?"

"No that's a toaster. Stop sticking your hand in it."


"That's my portable speaker."

"Oh." It was Hoseok who slowly lowered the device sheepishly. "Yeah that makes sense. It did seem a little small."

"Give it to me before you break it will you?" My head ached as I grabbed the speaker off of the demigod of light's hands. The moment the demigods had all entered my house they'd begun exploring and investigating.

Even sour Yoongi was poking at one of my cat animal stuffies experimentally, for once not scowling but rather looking genuinely puzzled.

Now, in the bright light of my apartment, I couldn't help but grudgingly admit they were all rather handsome. I turned in a slow circle, doing a quick head count. Yoongi was sprawled on the couch, Hoseok was padding around the living room taking in everything, and Jungkook was sitting at the kitchen counter. His head was rested on his folded arms and he seemed zoned out.

I knew that Jimin was in the bathroom but there was someone missing...

"Wait, where's Taehyung?" My head snapped back and forth, searching.

"Oh, he decided to bathe with Jimin." Yoongi yawned from the couch.

You stared at the midnight-haired son of Hades. "Come again?"

"Taehyung just does that." Hoseok shrugged. "He doesn't like bathing by himself."

"Do they even know how to function the shower?" I asked blankly.

"The what?" Hoseok blinked. "They're bathing is all I know. They did mention the water bowl was really tiny though."

Tiny water bowl? There was only one option in what they were using to bathe with then. I closed my eyes, struggling to maintain sanity. "They'll have extra clothes at least won't they?"

"Why would they need extra clothes?" Yoongi glanced over at you in puzzlement. "The best sensation is walking around without any clothes after bathing."

"Crap." I felt the blood drain from my face. In a flash I bolted over to Jungkook and began shaking his arm ferociously. "Jungkook you have to stop them!"

My shaking snapped him from his stupor. He blinked sleepily at me. "What? Stop who?"

"Taehyung and Jimin might be coming out of the bathroom anytime buck naked," I gasped. "Give them some of your clothes to put on."

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