38~ The Calling

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The wave slammed into the jagged black rock, spraying water everywhere. The ocean foamed and roared; its colors grey, green, and black. Thunder cracked overhead. The wind shrieked around me and threatened to flatten me. I could taste the bitter saltiness of the sea in the air— wild, sharp, tantalizing.

Above the crashing and bellows of the ocean, I could also hear a whisper. Enchanting. Haunting and beautiful. I felt a tugging in my chest as my body responded to the whisper. I had to follow the call. I had to go to the ocean.

My eyes flew open. Moonlight leaked into the bedroom, bathing everything in a peaceful glow. My mind struggled to realize that I was safe in my bed. There was no ocean, no storm... but there was the whisper.

A soft voice, an exhale lost in the wind of my thoughts. Luring, seductive, beckoning.

The ocean. I had to go to the ocean.

I hardly noticed the chilly air that greeted my bare arms when I tossed back my covers. The tugging sensation pulled me towards my bedroom door and out into the dark hallway.

I quietly pattered down the hall. The coaxing call strengthened. Yes, I was doing the right thing following it.

Distantly, in another part of my mind, warning bells began to go off. Something was off. No... no there was nothing off. It was good to answer the call.

I vaguely registered the snores and rustles of blankets when I stepped into the living room. Seven male bodies sprawled across the couches and floor.

The front door was a few feet before me when another call reached my ears, husky from sleep.

"What are you doing?"

I paused and peered over my shoulder, back to the living room. In the dim light streaming in from between the drapes of the windows, I could see that one of the demigods had awoken and was now staring at me.

It looked to be the one with the gray-hair, but perhaps it was just the silvery moonlight dyeing the demigod's hair.

Before I could try recalling the Olympian's name the pull was back, blanking my mind. It didn't matter what his name was. All that mattered was to listen to the summoning and follow it to the ocean.

The ocean. I had to go to the ocean.

Behind me more sounds arose. They sounded so far away.

"Jungkook, get up. Get up! Do not make me use the nipple waking method. No I don't care what you were dreaming about. We have a problem."

I was at the front door now. There were two locks in place: the simple handle lock and the bolt. The handle I unlocked easily, but my fingers fumbled for the heavier bolt.

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