[Bonus Chapter 1:] Can I Have This Dance?

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[3 Years Later...]
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Your gaze flickered over to the boy standing beside you. He offered you a sweet smile, adjusting his glasses. His name was Kihyun and he was in your world history class.

The two of you had been informally hanging out together outside of classes for the past few months. You'd been reluctant to go on these outings with him. Not because of Kihyun himself. Kihyun was limitless with kindness not to mention quite the looker. No, you'd been reluctant to hang out with him because your stupid heart hadn't quite yet let go of a different boy from a different time.

It had been Lulu who'd given you the final shove out the door (literally). "It's been three years," she'd told you. "No matter how much it sucks, you have to eventually start moving on with your life."

So that was how you'd wound up hanging with Kihyun. In a way you were grateful for him and his presence. It served as a way to take your mind off of the events three years ago.

Now the two of you were walking down a lighted pathway to the glowing tents up ahead. It was annual Festival of Lights. For a split moment you flashback to the time you'd walked towards those familiar tents, hand in hand with someone else...

"Y/N?" Kihyun tipped his head cutely.

"O-oh." You flushed, guilt stabbing you. "I mean... isn't what we're doing right now technically a date?"

"I guess. But we've never really called it a date. I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner together sometime and call it an official date."

Kihyun was nothing but kindhearted to you, and both of you were compatible. If there was anyone to try and kick up your romance life with again it would be with him.

But your stupid mind once again returned to the other boy. While Kihyun was patient and steady like a burning candle, the boy from three years ago blazed like a bonfire filled with energy and life—

Bad Y/N. You quickly scolded yourself. It was time to let go.

"Kihyun, I'm flattered..." You trailed off. The 'yes, I'd love to' words lodged in your throat.

You couldn't say it. Dammit you couldn't say it. Lulu was going to beat you with a rolling pin if she learned you turned down Kihyun.

Desperately, your eyes darted around for a distraction. They landed on a clearing between two tents. Loud, cheerful music poured from the square and you saw groups of people swirling around in merriment.

The dance floor.

"Do you want to dance?" You turned to Kihyun, eyes wide. You felt terrible for changing the subject, but you needed a couple more minutes to process his request and find a way to accept it like you meant it.

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