43~ Now You See Me

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It was like some kind of horror movie. Lulu's face began to crack like clay laid out in the sun too long. Literal pieces of my childhood best friend's faces fell off, revealing brand new features.

The face underneath took my breath away. I'd never seen Lalage's face until now. Even in the ally I'd been so caught up staring at the satyrs and her dress to notice her face. But now here she was in front of me.

And she was stunning.

An ugly whisper flashed through my head. This is just one example of all the gorgeous women that Jungkook had slept with all the time. No wonder you meant nothing to him.

Her face was ageless. At first glance she looked like a woman in her early twenties, but there was also an aura of someone much older than just twenty. A sultry smirk curled across her lips. "Now you see me."

My heart slammed in my chest. "Where the hell is Lulu?" I whispered. Where the hell was my best friend?

I should've realized that something was off the moment I came here. 'Lulu' had been acting so strange. There had been none of her mindless, no-filter blabbering that I endeared her much in her. And of course, the nasal voice wasn't because she was sick... it was because it was Lalage talking to me.

"How do you know I'm not Lulu?" Lalage asked, voice sending hateful shivers down my spine. "How do you know the Lulu you think you know ever existed and wasn't just me this entire time?"

"What do you call a woman's genitals?"

Lalage stared at me. "What?"

I met her gaze, silently prompting her.

She wrinkled her nose. "Is this some kind of joke? Isn't it just the v—"

I smirked victoriously. "Yee-haw hole," I whispered. "Lulu calls it the yee-haw hole. Now I'm going to ask this one more time. Where. Is. My. Lulu?"

"You have some guts, sweetie," Lalage scoffed, "talking to a demigoddess like that. I'm an immortal being of Olympus."

"I threatened five demigods with a microwave and popcorn, threw a shoe at a sixth, and tackled a seventh. Trust me. Immortal beings have nothing on me."

Lalage narrowed her eyes. "What will you do to get your sweet little Lulu back, hmm?" She hummed at me. "Oh don't worry, she's fine. For now. She was a lovely pet while I had her."

My blood chilled. "Excuse me?"

The crazy demigoddess smirked. "You must be wondering why Lulu believed your story of Jungkook and the others being demigods so easily. Why she called you at the strangely most convenient times to garner more information from you."

In all honesty, I hadn't. Lulu was weird and I learned a long time ago to never really question her actions much.

"It's because I whispered in her ear, played with her mind." Lalage chuckled. "Like I said, a lovely pet. Such a typical, weak Mortal mind to easily invade and sway to my biding. The perfect place to watch you and precious little Jungkook progress in your relationship. Now she is of no use to me." She sniffed. "I should just eliminate her. So I'll make a deal, sweetie. You do something for me, and I'll release Lulu."

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