20~ Oh Great, MORE Demigods

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"I think I broke something," someone whimpered.

There were four figures in total around me. We were all soaking wet from Jungkook summoning the lake waters to his command and hitting all of us. Jungkook himself was perfectly dry and towered over me with a stormy expression that transformed him into the demigod he really was.

"What were you guys thinking?" The demigod of the winds and waters shouted at the sopping wet figures. "What are you even doing here?"

"Geez, note taken. Next time you get cursed and then imprisoned in the Mortal world we'll just leave you to fend for yourself," one of my kidnappers growled. I recognized him as the sour-voiced man. "Ungrateful Minotaur-tit-sucking ass."

"We were going to terminate this Mortal who was holding you hostage," another guy said.

"Terminate me? Holding him hostage?" I sputtered, speaking for the first time. My voice grated from screaming and I spat out lake water. "I wasn't holding anyone hostage! And what the hell do you mean terminate me??"

"You mean..." Jungkook's stormy expression was melting into something else. "You mean you guys were trying to rescue me?"

"Yeah you better be grateful because this is the last time we ever try to help you out," the sour-voice snapped angrily.

I shivered as a chilly breeze began to pick up, icing my sopping clothes. "If you wanted to rescue him why not go for him? Why attack me?"

"We didn't attack you! We just grabbed you and ran," the deep-voiced kidnapper who'd been holding me piped up indignantly. I realized that all four figures were male. "You're the one who attacked me."

"Because it's rude to grab women and toss them over your shoulder without permission!" I retorted.

"Yes because abduction is consensual," sour-voice sneered back.

"Guys my ankle hurts!" The light voice now cried out.

"Hyungs, please there's been a critical misunderstanding," Jungkook's voice rose above everyone else's. He turned to me and helped me to my feet, his palms surprisingly warm. Or maybe it was just because my skin was freezing. "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

I just nodded curtly. Physically, I think I only had sustained a couple bruises. Mentally and emotionally? I was about to go full into super saiyan rage.

"I'm sorry, I panicked and sort of loss control of my power briefly," Jungkook continued, more sheepishly. "I didn't mean to soak you too."

"Oh yeah, apologize to the Mortal but not us. Jimin, get off your ass and summon your dad so we can go home already."

"I can't! My ankle hurts!!"

"You're such a baby!"

"Uh, Yoongi hyung, he is Herme's youngest kid at the moment."

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