24~ Clip-Clop Legs and Chin Potato

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[Narrator's POV]
"I don't like this," the purple haired man muttered to his storm gray-haired partner. The two made their way down the cold, dark alley, their footsteps echoing off the damp stone walls. "We should've thought a little more on this, Namjoon."

"Just shut up and follow my lead, Jin hyung," the stormy haired man, Namjoon, retorted.

Jin let out a small huff of 'rude' before obediently falling quiet. The two finally halted at the dead end of the alley. A long minute of silence drew out, each second making the purple-hair more and more antsy before finally bursting out, "Where on Gaia is she?"

"She," a sinister voice abruptly hissed from in the depths of the alley's shadows, making Jin jump, "is the Mistress and will arrive on her own time."

Namjoon quickly stepped forward, eyes narrowed. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He ordered, voice rolling into the air like thunder.

"I am Shadow and Death. I am what which you cannot see, but always fear. I am—"

Namjoon wasn't putting up with it any longer. With one snap of his wrist, lightning exploded from his palm and sailed into the shadows where the malevolent voice was coming from. Said voice abruptly released a squawk of terror as the lightning exploded upon impact against the far wall, lighting up inches above the head of the cowering figure beneath it.

Namjoon glared at it dryly. "Wow. So what I cannot see but always fear is an old little satyr huh?"

The satyr bared his needle-like teeth at Namjoon, undisguised hatred filtering in his eyes. "Demigods," he spat.

"Looks like my sister's dirty henchmen alright," Jin muttered, folding his arms. "How you doing clip-clop legs?"

The satyr turned his eyes to the purple-haired demigod and immediately the blanched. "You are descent of Athena's blood?" He asked, voice incredulous.

"He is my kin yes," a brand new, clearly female voice now, interrupted from behind the two demigods and half-goat man.

All of them whirled around to see a tall figure standing in the middle of the alleyway, having snuck up on them without a sound. The satyr let out a little yelp and quickly fell to the ground in a deep bow.

"Mistress," he whimpered.

Neither Namjoon nor Jin bothered bowing however. Rather, both shot equally disgusted looks at the trembling creature on the ground. "Satyrs," Namjoon scoffed. "Pathetic. I don't know how you put up with them."

"He serves his purposes and that's all I need," the woman spoke up frostily. "Now if you are quite finished bickering with him and terrorizing the living fur off his legs, shall we discuss the reason why I summoned you two?"

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