17~ Draw You In

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It was the sound of laughter and cheering that alerted Jungkook and you.

"Looks like we're getting close," you grinned up at the handsome— er, bath bomb beside you.

He really did clean up nicely. He'd spent the entire hour getting ready for the festival: brushing his hair (with your hair brush of course) and fitting a jacket over a loose blue blouse, causing both his hair and eyes to appear a deep blue. His dark pants were half a size too small, but still accomplished annunciating the well formed muscles in his legs.

"Come on!" Jungkook grabbed your hand and began tugging you into a jog down the path from the parking lot. Small electric shocks went off in your palm where his hands clasped tightly around yours.

When the two of you breached the tree line that separated the parking lot and grassland from the beach and waters of the lake, you were instantly greeted by the smell of cooking food, loud chattering, and above it all, upbeat music from live bands sprinkled through the festival grounds.

Little kids darted between all the tents that were set up everywhere on the rocky beach. The pavilions were brilliant colors and each one held a different source of entertainment: Spin the Lucky Wheel, Ring Toss, and Dart Throw games. Other tents held food tasting, roast corn, hot dogs and hamburgers. Finally, lights. Lights string from the trees all around the beach. They decorate the tents and lined the small pathways over the ground.

Jungkook's eyes were two round saucers as he gazed in wonder around him. You grinned, bumping his shoulder. "I thought you said you went to festivals in Olympus," you teased lightly. "Are you that amazed by a Mortal festival?"

He blinked several times as if breaking from his momentary trance. And when he smiled it seemed almost melancholy. It was the first time you'd seen such an expression and a sudden urge to hug him and protect him seized you.

"Everyone just seems so... happy here," said Jungkook. "In Olympus, festivals are times to get drunk, get laid, and just party hard. But rarely is anyone truly joyful and enjoying themselves in Olympian festivals as everyone is doing now."

You frowned a little at his words. Maybe being gods and goddesses wasn't as cut out as people made it to be. When you were in your Greek mythology fanatic phase, you always wished that you were a greek goddess and imagined all the cool things you could do with your powers. Maybe talk to animals. Maybe become invisible or fly, or better yet teleport (just not through toilets).

But once you got over your supernatural powers, what then? What did one get out of life if everything came easy to them? True happiness after achieving something would lose its meaning. Joy after several hard days wouldn't exist.

"Well." You made an effort to smile as you tightened your grip in Jungkook's hands. "Let's enjoy ourselves and be happy while we're here, yeah?"

Jungkook's momentary sad smile vanished like it was never there and he flashed you a signature grin. In seconds he was off like a bullet, towing you behind him, as he made a straight line to Balloon Pop tent.

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