5~Pegasus' Summoning Hotline Number

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"Are you still mad at me?" Jungkook peered innocently at you.

Your already white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel only tightened more.

"Um, I'm sorry?"

No answer.

"Y/N, really. I'm sorry."

You glanced skeptically at Jungkook when you heard a trickle of genuine remorse entering his voice. He was gazing intensely at you as you drove down the highway, his mouth slightly cast down in a frown.

After you'd finally managed to get Jungkook off the streets and into your car, you'd driven to the nearest store. You'd ordered Jungkook to stay in the car with the penalty of certain and painful death if he dared disobeyed you. You'd been livid at that point and Jungkook had gulped and merely nodded.

You'd stormed into the store and grabbed the first articles of clothing in the store that looked to be Jungkook's size and checked out. Now Jungkook was sitting next to you in the car, finally clothed in an oversized pink flannel, dark slacks, and some worn boots.

You were speeding along the highway towards the lake finally for Jungkook to 'speak to Poseidon.' It was a relief to finally have some clothes over that menacing body of his. Not that you'd ever admit such a thing to him.

"Why were you so intent on coming with me to the store?" You demanded.

Jungkook hesitated slightly.

"How hard would it have been for you to just stay in the apartment for not even an hour probably and let me get you some decent clothes?" You pressed on. "Why can't you think a little about your actions before just doing them, Jungkook?"

Now Jungkook was bristling up slightly. "Don't talk to me like I'm some kind of kid," he said sharply. "Last time I trusted a girl, I wound up cursed into that disgusting powder ball."

"I'm not that girl," you fired back. "Don't associate me with every single encounter you've had with a woman in the past."

At that Jungkook fell quiet. You should feel triumph shoot through you for winning this argument. All you felt though was frustration and maybe even a little guilt at your sharp tone.

When you turned into the parking lot and turned off the engine Jungkook eagerly leapt out and stretched. "Are you going to stay here or are you going to head back?" He asked, bending down slightly to peer into the car at you.

You leaned back in the seat. "What do you want me to do?" You responded. "Are you going back up to... wherever the heck you came from?"

"Olympus?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side. "That depends on what my dad's got to say. The fact that I didn't immediately get taken up to Olympus when my curse was gone leaves me a bit puzzled."

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