Synopsis | Kwon Eunbi

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"Oh look, the new guy's here~" A co-worker of mine annoyingly called.

"Hopefully he can fix those brain-dead piles of trash!~" He laughed alongside a few other workers, making me grit my teeth.

How could people be so heartless?

These people are mentally ill dammit! We need to help them...

"Hwang Y/n?" I looked up and saw a woman with her nurse uniform on.

"I'm Kim Sejeong, I'll be your tutor and guide around this facility." I happily shook her hand.

She then led me to where I assumed my first patient would be, but as I looked around the hospital the workers almost seemed as if they were all on break. No attending to the patients, no anything. They just sat around and laughed about something. It wasn't until Sejeong snapped me out of my thoughts that I regained my focus.

"You look pretty young for a doctor. How old are you kid?" She asked.


"Those reports about you better be as good as they sound..." She snarled, making me roll my eyes. We then made it in front of a large white door.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This is the first patient's room, meaning that this is our first destination. Get your synopsis and get out of there. I hate being around these... things. Oh, and by the way, all the patients here are girls."

"What's her name, age, and illness?"

"Kwon Eunbi, she's 24 and has some personality disorder. Sometimes she could be the most mature patient, and then she could suddenly become a child." I nodded before heading inside without warning. I could tell Sejeong was surprised but I could care less about people who don't care about their patients, especially when my-, this isn't my story. I shouldn't tell you about it.

Back to the topic, the moment I entered Eunbi's room, I heard a small ruffle coming from a bed. The room looked cozy, but there was nothing else other than a door that led to a bathroom and her bed. I noticed that she, Eunbi, was sleeping. Or at least I thought she was.

Because the moment I took another step, she bolted up from her bed and charged at me. Not tumbling me, but just burying her face in my chest.

"Ghehet Osut of Em RoUm! (Get out of my room!)" Her words were muffled.

"Are you Eunbi?"

Her face suddenly escaped my chest and looked up at me innocently.

"Yes?" Her personality suddenly shifted 180°.

"I'm Hwang Y/n, your new doctor-" However, the moment I mentioned the word doctor her face scrunched, almost like how a little kid would be sulky at his or her parents.

"Me no need a doctor! Doctor is scawy!" Her vocabulary became worse as she flopped on her bed with her back facing me.

"It's okay, Eunbi ssi. I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to know what's wrong with you so that I can help." I tried to soften my words. Eunbi sprang up again and looked at me.

"Pwomise?~" She held up her pinky finger, which I gladly accepted.


"Alright, what do you want to know?" Her personality shifted again, I quickly wrote that down in my notes before facing her.

"Did you always have persona changes?" I asked.


"When did you start feeling like different people?"

"When I was 19, I've been in this shithole of a place ever since!" Once again, her personality shifted. Becoming angry.

"Can you tell me what kind of personalities you have? Do they have names?"

"Well... I'm Susan, the beautiful one." She said sassily.

"This is Eunbi." She said normally.

"And I am fucking Bella! The badass one!" She said aggressively whilst grabbing onto my shirt, but once she realized what she was doing she immediately let go.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean... sniff... I- I'm Rena... forgive me please..." She suddenly began crying, so I gave her a tissue from my pocket that I prepared for a situation like this.

"It's okay, Rena. Just tell me your last one."
"Me Yoona! And me still no rikey the mwean looking docta!" As Yoona took a deep breath, her eyes softened.

"That's it."

"Okay, thank you..."


"Thank you for your cooperation, Eunbi. Now allow me to leave so I could also help your other friends." I suddenly stood up and walked towards the door. But before I could leave, Eunbi- or should I say Yoona threw something at me.

"[Susan] Wait for a second. [Eunbi] Before you go, [Bella] those other bitches ain't as cooperative as me! [Rena] So... please treat them well... they're my friends... [Yoona] See ya docta!~ Til we met agen!~"

I softly smiled and waved goodbye to her.

"Thanks for the tip, sleep well."


"Well, how'd it go?" Sejeong asked.

"Patient Eunbi suffers from a multiple personality disorder. Luckily, none of the personas she listed are dangerous, though Bella might be... but other than that I think I can fix her just fine. Now lead me to the next patient." Sejeong started walking, so I started following. Not giving a damn about what others thought. I'm gonna help these girls.

No matter what...



Name: Kwon Eunbi

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Name: Kwon Eunbi

Illness: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Cure: ???

- Eunbi shifts through each persona very easily from what could be seen with the short interview. And though none of them looked dangerous, Bella should be watched just in case of excess violence. Other than that, she seems to be functioning normally.

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