Another Treatment

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A few days later...

"Okay girls, ready?" They all look very sad and they sighed.

"I don't wanna go there anymore. They'll sexually abuse us again." Yena whines.

"Not under my watch." Y/n said.

"Can you beat all of them?"

"I've learned all sorts of martial arts so..." Y/n showed a smug face. They all cringed at him.

"Don't be so confident, Y/n." Sakura said.

"Ah why? Hey, he's a one-man army. I bet he could easily fight off all of them." Yujin backed up Y/n.

"Wah~ I'm touched, Yujin-ah. I'm lucky you're on my side." Y/n fake cried and then Yujin hugs his arm.

"Of course I'm on your side. You're my husband, remember?" Yujin said, smiling widely. His face and theirs turned serious.

"Umm... since when we're married?" He asked.

"Since you said you like tteokbokki as well!" The girls' faces became less serious.

"Ah and also, you promised me to have sex with me if I change my attitude, right? I've changed now!" The girls became more serious and slightly angry.

"Ah umm... that... umm yeah but... I don't think you've completely changed."

"Ah why? You had promised~" She pouted.

"I never promised you anything."

"Whatever. Anyway, Y/n... oppa! Promise we'll do that if I completely change my attitude, okay?" She smiled brightly while showing her pinky.

He looked at the other's faces and they are not pleased with it.

"L-Let's go! Come on girls let's get into the van." Yujin then kisses his cheek and then goes inside the van. Every single one of them glared at him after seeing that... except Wonyoung because she's just clueless.

They all go towards the van while glaring at him. They all get in except for Chaewon, who is still looking at the wonderful house. Y/n approaches her and taps her shoulder a few times.

"Chaewon-ah? Why are you still standing here? We're gonna go back to Sangyong Medical Hospital today."

"I'll miss this place." Y/n let out a sigh.

"Me too. Without you girls, I'll be lonely if I stay here. Whether I like it or not, I have to stay in that hospital to treat you girls until all of you are fully cured."

"Thank you, Y/n. I'm really thankful that you came into our lives. You're our savior. If you didn't come to us, we'll probably be dead by now."

"No don't say that. I'm just thankful you guys are still alive." Chaewon then looks at Y/n.

"You know, I'm still upset about that night."

"A-Ah... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push-" She goes closer towards him and strokes his hair.

"It's okay. I know you're still traumatized. And I'm sorry." But, when Chaewon stared at him, she then stared at his lips. She felt the same feeling back that night where they were about to kiss and slowly closes her eyes.

Y/n noticed this and became nervous. He just close his eyes without knowing..... he raised his hands on par with his chest... and hers. As Chaewon was about to kiss him, she felt something touching her chest area.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that his eyes are tightly shut and his hands are raised trembling. She snaps out of it and backed off.

"Umm uhh, Y/n. Let's go." Chaewon leaves for the van and Y/n slowly opens his eyes.

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