The Gathering

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I knocked on Wonyoung's door and entered back inside.

"Y/n oppa?" She said.

"Why are you back here?"

"All of my synopsis is done. So I want to gather you all and talk about saving Yena."

"Okay oppa..."

"Let's go." She stood up and followed me from behind.

We go outside the room and walked my way to Yujin's room. I decided to do it from youngest to oldest. We both walked until we reached Yujin's room. As we reached it, we heard moans from the room and...


It almost sounds like that person was stabbed but at the same time, it isn't. I heard deep breaths and peeked at a little gap from the door. The next thing that I saw, shocked me. A naked doctor with... YUJIN?!?! He gave her a quick kiss before he puts back on his clothes.

I clenched my fist because the scene angers me. He walks towards the exit and I backed off. He opens the door and saw both of us.

"You saw all of that?" He said. I wasn't able to speak because of shock and anger. I just shake my head as a reply.

"Well too bad. That girl is WILD! She's such a damn good slut. I'm gonna miss her fucking taste." I swear that if he continued more, I'm throwing hands on 'em.

"I'm going first, mate. Hi girl~" He gave a pat to my arm and winked at Wonyoung.

He went away and as soon as he's out of my sight, I furiously barged into the room finding her sitting on the bed.

"AHN YUJIN!!!" She was startled.

"Aish you made me shocked. What do you want now? Do you want what the previous guy did? Let me-"

I... slapped her... and Wonyoung immediately goes to her unnie. But she harshly pushes her away.

"Get off me bitch! You... NO ONE FUCKING SLAPS ME!!!" She lifts her hand for a slap but instead of me getting hit, it was Wonyoung who got hit.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN THE WAY!" She pushes her again.

She goes towards me but then I pinned her against the wall, staring intensely into her eyes. My eyes are filled with anger. Her face looks in pain. Maybe because I'm holding her shoulder too tightly.


"What, the fuck, did you do with that fucking pervert?"

"Since you pissed me off, I decide to just continue with my regular daddies." TELL ME I MISHEARD THAT!

"What did you say? WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" My rage mode is almost turned on and I look furiously into her eyes making her scared of me.

"I-I..." I calmed myself down and untighten my grips on her shoulders.

I turned around and went to Wonyoung.

"Are you alright, Wonyoung-ah?" She flinched a bit but I checked on her cheek. It's damn red. Yujin must've hit her hard because she's crying right now.

"D-Don't fight..."

"It's alright Wonyoung-ah... It's alright."

"Why the heck would you come here anyway?" I turned and glared at her.

"I want to gather all the patients and talk about saving Yena. But after seeing all of that bullshit, it's better for you to not join."

"Tch. I'm not gonna join your pathetic gathering anyway." She crosses her arms.

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