Escape The Place

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"Well well well... Look who is this. You're the new employee in Sangyong Hospital, right? The wannabe hero and want to save these stupid crazy girls."

"They aren't stupid. They have mental disorders."

"Yeah yeah, whatever I don't care about what bullshit you're saying. What I care now is, why the fuck did you come here and sneaked in to save that fucking bitch?" He pointed at Yena.

"I want to save her from a filthy fucking shithead like you."

"Wow! What an amazing choice of words." He then points the gun at his head.

"Listen here you dipshit, I don't want you to take away what's mine. That fucking hospital had signed a contract with me and I can take them every month. During that one month, I can do whatever I want. Well, she doesn't necessarily need to do all things, right Yena?" He grinned evilly at Yena.

"Won't you tell 'em what you're doing here?" Y/n diverted his attention to Yena.

"Yena ssi... What did he do to you?..."

"He... He tortured me..." She answered weakly.

"Wrong!" He gestured something to his guard and the guard slapped her.

"Unnie!" Yuri said.

"Just tell 'em the truth. I won't hurt you after that."

"He... *cough cough* did that filthy thing to me..." And the guard slapped her again.

"I don't think that's the right word." Y/n could only clench his fist seeing her being slapped like that in her weak state.

"He... *cough* He..."

"Come on. Say it you fucking slut!"

"He pleasured me..." The girls gasp and Y/n's blood is boiling with anger.

"Good girl." The guard gave her one last slap before going back to his position.

"Why the fuck do you do this?" He asked.

"It's up to me. I do whatever I want. I don't care."

"Is that what you did to Dreamcatcher girls and LOONA girls too?"

"Ohh them? They were so great. Too bad they died. I wanted to enjoy more but these fucking guards is just thirsty for their pussies." Y/n's anger is almost at his peak. He believes that he'll to explode and just freaking punch him on the dick.

"I like that chick named Minji and Bora. Also Heejin and Sooyoung. I just like all of them. They are so cute... and so slutty. This fucking girl ain't bad too. I love it when she cums a lot." He licks his lips.

"Fuck you..." Yena said.

"Oh no. Little ducky just cursed. What can you do now, huh?"

"Look. All things that you did to them are horrible. I know you want pleasure but why don't you just stick to one girl. Why did you kill them?"

"I don't want these sluts to be fighting for my cock. So I kill them after a month. After one dies, I take another one from the hospital."

"YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!!!" Yuri shouted.

"Wow... this girl can curse. I wonder how tight your pussy is."

"That's enough! Let them go."

"Let them go? Sadly, I can't do that. It's my decision. I decide things myself."

"I bet your cock is small as hell!" Chaewon said.

"Hahahahaha! This girl is funny! Wow... you look so cute... and sexy too. I feel like I wanna do you now." He goes towards Chaewon.

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